Sunday 15 April 2007

What a day!

So today was another day and thank goodness it's over. I finished Martha's brochure and business cards, did some ironing, and had a emotional breakdown. Oh, wait, what's new? Poor Lindsay, she had to listen to me on the phone. I think I was just stressed from the high drama in this crazy house. Cesar and his girlfriend were fighting so he left his apartment and came to his mom's house (where I'm staying) and anyway, it was a mess. I just need my own personal space for time alone, and usually that would be in my home, etc., anyway, so then I went to Stake Conference and bawled all during that. Literally. But by the end I felt 100% better. Funny how life can be put in perspective so easily. This lady spoke whose husband was killed in a logging accident when the oldest of their eight children was 16 and the youngest 2. The whole message of her talk was relying on Christ to get you through your trials, whether big or small. Mine are definitely small. Anyway, then she met this guy who had 5 kids and married him,---she said that's actually when her trials really began. I guess the 14 (they had one child together as well) kids had a hard time adjusting to each other. And then a couple of years after that, one of her stepdaughters was killed in an automobile accident while driving down with her husband to go to their wedding reception here in AZ. AND then the very next day, her 25 yr. old son was killed in another car accident. Anyway, like I said, kind of puts things in perspective. Another man spoke too who had been excommunicated from the church for 14 years and then spent another 8 years trying to become active again , and the stake president in his talk said he had to write two letters to the First Presidency before they'd let him be re-baptized (or whatever they do, I'm not sure). His message was on giving your whole self to Christ. Wow, that was a heavy duty talk too. The man said he took the sacrament for the first time in 22 yrs. three weeks ago. So, here's my inspirational thought for the Sabbath tomorrow, it's from Elder Richard G Scott's talk during General Conference, and someone quoted it in Stake Conference tonight. He was actually pretty funny, he was talking about how he loved this talk and he was highlighting his favorite parts over the last few days in preparation for his talk, and then he realized he had highlighted everything except Elder Scott's name.

"Prayer is a supernal gift of our Father in Heaven to every soul. Think of it: the absolute Supreme Being, the most all-knowing, all-seeing, all-powerful personage, encourages you and me, as insignificant as we are, to converse with Him as our Father. Actually, because He knows how desperately we need His guidance, He commands, "Thou shalt pray vocally as well as in thy heart; yea, before the world as well as in secret, in public as well as in private."1
It matters not our circumstance, be we humble or arrogant, poor or rich, free or enslaved, learned or ignorant, loved or forsaken, we can address Him. We need no appointment. Our supplication can be brief or can occupy all the time needed. It can be an extended expression of love and gratitude or an urgent plea for help. He has created numberless cosmos and populated them with worlds, yet you and I can talk with Him personally, and He will ever answer. "

And just for fun, here's some cute pictures of Elena I took the other day. Amy gave me this outfit for July 4th, but I don't think it will still fit her then.

1 comment:

Kayli said...

Kami, that picture of Elena where she's stone face is AWESOME! What a great mug shot! So cute.
And, I have that dress in Hazel's size! Which is pretty sweet.
Man, I'm glad my trials are little too. That lady's life was out of control. Have a nice day!