Sunday 15 April 2007

Drum Roll, Please.

I forgot!! Leo recieved his preliminary (nothing is for certain in the airline industry) base and it's..... CHICAGO!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be three hours from KAYLI!!!!!!!!!!! I might be able to afford a house!!!!!!!!!! I won't have to live in the hood in Washington D.C.!!!!!!!! I can go to the Chicago Art Museum!!!!!!!!!!!! And see the river dyed green!!!!!!!!!!! AND go to the Art Museum!!!!!!!! And maybe more museum's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Isn't the lion from The Ghost in the Darkness supposedly stuffed in a museum in Chicago?) Yippee! Yippee! Yippee!

P.S. Click on the title of this post.


Kayli said...


I"M SO HAPPY THAT I CAN"T STOP CRYING!!!!! j/k BUT I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!! @#%*%^@)(!(@#%(^(@#

The Haws Family said...

That is very exciting. I laughed really hard when you connected the art museum web page to your title. Haahaa! I am very happy for you just get stationed in Utah in a couple of years when I have a husband and we can all party!