Thursday 5 April 2007

An introduction

To satisfy my sister Kayli, I am starting this blog, although she is probably the only person who will read it. Also I had cute photos that my husband's family had taken yesterday, so it's fun to have another place to display them. Really though, as Kayli says, one of these things are not like the others. Hee. Hee. The second picture I tried to make a cool effect like Kayli, but I think it's a little much. Anyway, it's midnight and I need to go paint a door before I go to bed so I will carry on with this tomorrow. Goodnight!


Kayli said...

WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited~ I just can't hide it!

I'm so glad you got a blog.

Your pictures are all amazing. I like your collage thing. I love daddy-baby pictures. But where's one of YOU and Elena? Come visit me adn I will take it! :)

Can't wait to read your blog every night. More later.

p.s. did you choose the option that all the comments get e-mailed to you so you can know when you get one?

The Haws Family said...

Hey Kammers, I will read your blog! I read Kayli's blog too...but mostly she just mocks me, which doesn't deserve replies. Your family photos are beautiful. PS Come help me figure out how to make a graph on excel. It should be's not. Gr.

Jennae said...

Those are some lovely pictures. It is good to see you, even if it is sadly only through pictures. I am happy for you that you am able to retire from your beloved field of nursing.

Anonymous said...

que bonita pagina ,elena esta muy linda y tu te ves bien cambiada te asienta bien lo de mama, felicidades y muchos saludos para ti y tu esposo y la bebe .muchos carinos.
patricia y mikaela
florida ,2007