First off, because I don't want to rearrange the order of the pictures--this is our view from the end of our block.
Pretty nice, eh?

Not zoomed up. At night when the temple is lit up, it is a pops out. Very beautiful.

And this is our view from our dining room. Well, part of Mount Timpanogas is blocked be our neighbor's house, but still we can see quite a bit of it. It's really lovely.

So here's the grand tour!!! Isn't it fabulous! It warms my heart just to look at it and see a house, not an apartment building--even if we're just renting the top floor. But see that garage??!?! That's ALL ours. Happiness is storage. Hee. Hee.

Now this really makes me happy. Our own backyard. With a fence. No more worrying about my kids, I can do the dishes and watch them play outside. Life is sweet. Happy sigh.

This would be Ana's room after we painted and Aunt Amy helped decorate. So cute! It doesn't really look like a dungeon room at all anymore.

Cute. Cute.

Do you like her patchwork carpet? Better than the cement that was there before, eh? And Isabel was pretty excited to be getting into Ana's stuff--she found candy. Terrible little sister. Don't worry I rescued it.

Now while this may not be exciting to anyone, it's certainly exciting to me!!! My washer and dryer, hooked up in my house, usable, wonderful, and no longer unusable decor in my supposed dining room.

And this--my pantry, at the bottom of the stairs, instead of in the dining room. I love it.

Okay, I really should have no complaints about this kitchen--only why did they choose such an ugly color for the cabinets? It's not even that bad of a color really, only it clashes awfully with the wall paint color. And then they didn't prime the cupboards, so if you scrub them at all the paint just peels off. Ruff.

Now this is my favorite room in the house. I think it's just perfect--the most like how I like to decorate. (Someday, I'll have all matching chairs too.) The living room is too crowded to be quite as perfect.

I didn't pick up at all before taking these pictures, so yes, that is Ana's clothes pile sitting on the piano.

I added the two family pictures this time. Me gusta mucho.

See what I mean by being too crowded?

So here's our new couch. I really was quite disappointed when we first bought it--I had just seen one picture on the web, and agreed to buy it sight unseen if they would keep it for us. It looked very gold in real life, whereas in the photo it had looked brown. Anyway, I like it much better now that we hung up the curtains, that really made it seem more brown instead of gold again. Gold is definitely not my color.

This is another new addition. I wanted to hang a picture of Christ and I looked all over, and didn't really like any of them enough to pay the price tag. So we ended up with a $1 one from the distribution center, and you know what? I really like it. :)

This is a fuzzy picture of the little girls' room. None of the closets have doors. Weird, eh?

Another fuzzy picture.

A bit crowded, but not bad.

This is the baby's room--he better get here soon! And also my craft room. See the recieving blankets I should be sewing up right now?

Another happy thing. I love my baby changing table. It was definitely worth the $20. Changing diapers on the floor is just not that comfortable nine months pregnant. Yes, little things make me very happy.

Aunt Amy helped decorate this room too. All flying themed. I love the sign she gave us. So adorable.
And that's that. My room is pretty dull. And messy. Hence no pictures. But I do have a wonderful, wonderful bathroom of my own (and my husband's). Really truly, I feel very spoiled with it. And spoiled altogether with our house. :) Life is good.
Kami I love it. Please please PLEASE come help me decorate my apartment with all of my ...nothing that I have to decorate it with. I mean it!
Kami! I totally love your new place! Man I miss you. I'm so excited that you get to see a Temple all of the time and that you're in a homey place. Congratulations on your (soon) baby boy coming! When's your due date? I'm 10.5 weeks along, woohoo! I've wanted it for so long. I'm feeling like it's a girl...
Love it all. Especially the walls I washed . . ..
VERY nice!
I like the your $1.00 picture of Christ. We have the same one. : D
That was fun to see what your house looks like - very nice. I can't believe you don't have any snow - we still have tons!!!1 Spring can't come soon enough!@
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