We let the kids play dress-up one afternoon while Jethro, Ana, Brett and Leo worked on Jethro's science kit.See Ana only had time for a hat. The googles were from the science kit, although they'd be welcome in my Halloween collection.
Hazel looking fabulous in her many, varied outfits. Perhaps Kayli will post close-ups of some.
The ever popular "Belle" wig. I love after Halloween sales.
Even Leo wore it for a while, tying it back into a ponytail so he looked like a member of the band, Mana.
Elena always leaves me at a loss for words.
Kayli is modeling a classic 1940's look for you. She might never visit me again, now that I posted this picture .
Brett just had to try on the vintage 70's shirt. Sweet.
Elena once again.
This is the dress Kayli bought for me a while ago. I am not pregnant, although I look it.
Elena striking a pose for the camera with her lovely locks.
And this is the hat my sister Amy gave me for my birthday. I had to wait to get a picture of me in the perfect outfit to match before I could post a picture of it. My mom said I should wear it to church but Leo insisted if I did the next place I'd where it to after that would be his funeral. Desperate, eh??? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this as much as we did. :)
10 years ago
1 comment:
Oh you guys are SO much fun!
Glad to see the dress- up festivities didn't just stop at the kids.
LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage outfits.. You and Kayli look Gorgeous darlings!
And what does Leo know? : D I am SO with your mom on this one. I would wear that hat to church. In fact, back in the 80's when Every girl was wearing hats, I wore one to church every Sunday. And pretty soon our whole ward of sisters were wearing them. LOL!
You have a really nice sister to give you a hat like that.
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