A few years ago, I lived here.Yep, right in that apartment building. I liked it for the most part, because across the street from the buildings was this:
I think I wouldn't mind moving back somedays. Especially cold days like today. When it's snowing and gray and the sun hasn't shone for eight days straight.
I used to walk down the lake front on this sidewalk to go check my email at the local library almost every day.
Past the people fishing on the banks. (There was always people fishing!!!)
Past the hurricane ravaged piers.
Sometimes, I would watch the sailboats on the water and sometimes I would walk close to the water and look for turtles, or pelicans, or manatees.
Quite often I saw these. One morning, I counted ten. From a safe distance.
Past the docks, and well, a construction crew that was building another apartment complex. I never failed to get a whistle. Hee. Hee. I didn't have kids then. Crazy.
Past the stinking huge yachts.
And then I hung a right at the flagpole and made my way a couple blocks more through the beautifully restored historic downtown main street to the library. All in January with a pleasant breeze blowing and my sandals, skirt and t-shirt on.
10 years ago
Sounds HEAVENLY! Tell me again why you don't live there?
Disgusting. I wouldn't mind it for about a week, but then--NO WINTER WEATHER IN JANUARY?? How do you make it through the summer without winter to look forward to??
where is that?
We were in Sanford, Florida, just outside of Orlando. I liked it for the most part but I don't ever want to go back. I hated the "South" and redneck country music (I like country--but not all the southern country) if that makes sense.
Ohh, I always hated that lake! I twas soo beautiful to walk around, but terrifying to me. WE always saw alligators in there, and that was my greatest fear, of when the hurricanes threatened, that Lake Monroe would flood, and we would be trapsing through alligator infested flood waters. haha :D I sure miss the beach though!! and all the people, and good friends (YOU GUYS) that moved on, and that we left behind too. :D Thanks for the great stroll down memory lane. :D Your little Isabel is sooo BEAUTIFUL!!!
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