I don't really want to write much as Kayli finally made it here today!!!! Hip Hip HOORAY!!! It actually turned out for the better that the weather delayed her coming. Remember how I said Isabel was sick? Well, she had RSV. Still does in fact; the pediatrician at her follow-up visit this morning said Kayli shouldn't come with Talmage when I asked if it would be alright. But Doc Rasmussen said that we should make a rule against Talmage French kissing Isabel and all should be fine. Umm, I think we'll make that a permanent rule. No kissing cousins in this family, thank you very much. Anyhow, we are keeping them apart and I set out a nice big bottle of hand sanitizer.
This does all lead into my reminisce by the way, because several years ago my oldest sister Megan's son came down with RSV. Only he was only a month old or so and ended up like this at the Primary Children's hospital in SLC for several weeks. This isn't Anders, I just lifted the picture off of somebody else's blog. Anyway, the amazing part of the story is that when Anders was first in the hospital it was at the community hospital Megan works at and she would always go check up on him. One of those times she was listening to his lungs with a stethescope and couldn't hear any breath sounds on the left side. So she called in his nurse who listened and agreed with Megan. So they called the pediatrician, who took forever to arrive. Well, I'm a little hazy on the details since I wasn't actually there, but long and short of it was that Ander's left lung had collapsed and he went into major respiration difficulties and had to be intubated. It looks like this below.
Basically it opens up the airway so that they can pump oxygen into a person. Two people tried to intubate Anders and failed. Megan was understandably getting a little bit tense, so she pushed them aside and intubated Anders herself. Then they life flighted him to Primary Children's. Crazy, eh? Megan is pretty much astonishing. I could never had done that on my own child. It gives me the willies to think about. In fact it gives me the willies to think about intubating any infant and I actually was trained to do that! Thank heavens I never had to. Yeah. Megan's a hero. She's actually saved a bunch of my siblings lives as well. Kayli from drowning. Andrea from drowning. Um, Kayli from drowning again. I think there are other times too, but I can't remember right now, plus I wasn't going to write long. Anyway, this is Anders this past summer. What a cutie!
10 years ago
She saved me from drowning when I got pushed under a tube in the wave pool at Lagoon and nobody knew i was under the tube and suddenly she pulled me out. It was awesome.
Yeah, she saved me when I was drowning in the ocean. I went out too far (to be with the big cousins--go figure) and the current started flipping me around so I didn't know what was up and down and I couldn't swim toward shore. Apparently I was screaming, "I'm going to die!" Megan was the only one who noticed, or noticed first, or something. She swam over, I grabbed onto her and almost drowned her, she smacked me (she's loving like that) to make me calm down, and then dragged me to shore. Where we lay gasping and crying--well, I was crying, when the lifeguard showed up. A little late.
Oh my! I just got the willies reading your post. How scary! Your family has a lot of nurses and doctors in it! Amazing.
Hope your little one has a VERY speedy recovery! I'm glad Kayli got there after all. Enjoy your time together.
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