This was the first house my parents built in Willard. I loved that house. We had so much fun there. One time, my friend Casey was visiting from Layton and Kayli, Wyatt, Casey and I decided to go on a hike. So up the mountain we went (there was a trail that started where our driveway ended, hunters and horseback riders used it all the time) to the canal road. We followed that past the gravel pit to the canyon (you'll see in the pictures below.) Of course we took our dog, Dolly. Dolly was the awesomest dog ever, but that's for another day. On this particular instance, Dolly was actually the root of all our problems.

Kayli, Casey, and I decided to go up where we originally had come down and go ask for a rope for Dolly (or something like that) from the men working at the gravel pit. This is where it all went downhill. Really downhill. I stayed with Dolly, while Kayli, Casey and Wyatt went to the gravel pit. Being the genius I am, I used my belt to pull Dolly up the parts that she couldn't clammer up and then went to find the other kids. When I arrived at the gravel pits, there was NO ONE there. It was completely empty. I scanned around a bit but couldn't see anyone. So I decided they must have gone home for rope instead. So I started to walk home, waving blissfully hi to my brother Derek who was working for the Anderson's in their orchard that day as I passed by. I arrived home, and Andrea met me at the door and said the oddest thing, "You've fallen and you can't get up!!" Actually, she more or less shouted it and then laughed hysterically. I gave her a "You're an idiot" look and asked what she was talking about. She explained that the police had called mom saying that I was stuck in a hole in the mountains. I immediately burst into tears thinking I was in HUGE trouble. Andrea was nice and told me to go take a shower (I was rather filthy) and she called the police to tell them that I had definitely not fallen in a hole and I was home safe and sound.
So this is rest of the story. Kayli, Wyatt, and Casey DID go to the gravel pit. Casey apparently started saying, "SHE'S stuck..." and then the man working there, seeing Casey, wet and bleeding, assumed it was another kid. He radioed someone else to call the police and after a few more hasty questions to some very confused kids started running back up the mountainside to where supposedly I was stuck in a hole. Kayli was a little taken aback by all this but not at all worried until the firetrucks arrived. Then she started bawling (thinking she was in deep trouble no doubt). Multiple police cars arrived. A professional mountain climber was called in. They called our mom. She laughed. Literally. I'm not joking. She laughed outright on the phone. She was a little embarrassed after thinking about what the police thought of her, but I guess it was her sixth sense that she knew nothing was wrong. So she drove over to the gravel pit and luckily had not been there long when Andrea called the police. In the end, we had to write notes of apologies to the police department, but that was it. My mom wasn't even mad at us. But as we found out at church the next Sunday, we sure caused a stir .
I bet there's a lot of people (rescuers) who would still know and remember that story this day. LOL!
Thanks for sharing. I am loving this. It's great to hear some of the stories after your mom and dad moved away from here.
Um, the best part was when I answered the phone the first time the police called and they asked for mom and mom said, "Can't it wait?" Because that's a typical mom reaction when then police call. After washing her hands, Mom (very annoyed by the interruption) took the phone and got the "bad news" from the policeman and when the policeman asked her to come she said, "But I need to finish my jam."
Yeah, I finished the jam. Kami forgot to mention the fire engines that also came to the "scene" or "rescue" or whatever you want to call it.
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