I don't know how many people know this, but Utah has a FAMOUS Fruit Way. (See above photo as proof.) This consists of Willard and Perry, UT. When I was in 5th grade we moved to Willard. Also "famous" for Willard Bay. Willard Bay has some gorgeous sunsets as you can see.
I used to love watching the sunset from our rope swing high up on the mountainside.
We had a boat when we lived there. One Christmas, all of the kids received puzzle pieces in our stockings that when we put them together it said "Go look in the garage," and when we did, there was the boat. (Derek, of course, had already discovered it in his late night exploration of Santa's visit--but that's another story.) My Dad took us out in March to try it out. In fact, he took us out of school to go boating. It was cold. But none of us kids complained.
Ah, I see this picture and I want to go boating so bad!!!! Anyway, this is all besides the point. The story I wanted to tell was about the police. You see, our family had a rather close relationship with the police in Willard. I believe the first time they came to our house, Andrea was babysitting. Mostly, this consisted of Andrea following Wyatt like a bloodhound to try to prevent him from lighting things on fire, drowning, jumping off roofs, etc. Lindsay on the other hand, played nicely with her dolls and never was in trouble, except the time she decided to go visit Mom and Dad who were working on the house we were building on the other side of Willard. So she started to walk there. She was only three years old. The police found her at a fruit stand a mile down the very busy highway on which we lived. Luckily the lady running the fruit stand knew who we were because Andrea hadn't even realized she was missing.
Then the police showed up one night when Derek was lighting off bottle rockets and the neighbor had thought someone was shooting. It wasn't July 4th, it was more like the middle of October, by the way. Then there was the time that Wyatt took off after school to "go watch the rain fall on Willard Bay" with another little 2nd grader. The other kid's parents were freaking out. My parents were more like, "Oh, I'm sure Wyatt will wander home eventually..." The police found them finally. And yet another time, I was in math in 6th grade and a kid came in and told me Wyatt was in the principle's office with the police. He had lit a fire in the playground. But the best story about the police and Willard and me, I'm saving for next week. Ta ta for now.
10 years ago
okay, I tried to comment and it got lost. Ruff.
Anyway, I was going to say, cool pictures and good times. I loved that rope swing. Really. And I've repeatedly asked Brett to get a rope for us, some nights I really feel like a good swing. He has not ever done it. Ropes that big and thick are actually pretty darn expensive. And hard to find.
Good times. Can't WAIT till next week's installment!!!
Oooo! Can't wait to read more.
LOL! I bet if your family showed up at Willard again, you'd probably hear from the folk there, that you're legends.
Great pics by the way!
The memory of seeing the policeman holding Lindsay and telling me that she'd been walking by the four-lane highway still makes me sick to my stomach. One of the worst moments of my life.
If Wyatt didn't light the garbage can on fire every other minute it never would have happened.
LOL. Yay, for Willard and Perry! And for people who's maiden name is Perry. Yay!
Hey, I remember boating with you guys. Fun stuff for a birthday in December celebrating in JULY. And also .. sign me up of you go again. I'd love to have another broken nose the good 'ol knobby knees to face method :)
LOL. Will be excited to hear your story. Does it deal with hiking? I think I remember that one, too.
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