I realize that I added a ton of photos to this post, but how else could I help you visualize the beauty of my amazing, imaginary home. Andrea recently posted how she would decorate, and so I decided to do the same as it is one of my favorite daydreaming pastimes while washing dishes. I tag anyone and everyone else to do the same. So fun.Okay, first of all imagine all the above room completely empty and with more tannish brown tiles instead of red. Got that? Oh and add bigger windows. Now imagine a whole house like that. Ahhh. Nice.
So first off, my bedroom. I love this. Leo hates it. He says you might as well be sleeping on the floor. Ruff. The rug is one of my favorite things in this picture by the way. I do prefer a lighter shade of wood on the bed though. Natural birch to be exact. Dark wood is really popular right now so just imagine all the future pieces of furniture in this post in birch.
I also like this bed and tables, cue the imaginary light birch though.
Again, birch.
And this bedspread. I really like it. However, I don't know that it's THE ONE. I've never found one that I liked way more than three other ones that were completely different. Apparently, I never know what I really want there .
Now, moving on to the living room. Okay, remember the first picture. Wouldn't this couch be such a better fit?
And this chair.
I also like this chair, and perhaps more importantly, the color of the upholstery. That's the color of my couch now. Love it.
The problem with my imaginary decorating, is that I can never decide if I want to go more minimalist modern or tribal/romantic/funky for lack of a better description. The above chair would go in my more romantic house.
So, with that in mind, on to the imaginary dining room. Love the colors in this and the chairs. Not so much the top of the table. If you haven't noticed, my palette would be neutrals, tans, and mossy greens with maybe a splash of red or cobalt blue just for fun.
This was mine and Leo's favorite dining table set. It's from Target. However, we both wish it came in a natural birch. And then that we had money.
Leo and I both loved this as well. I just don't like how on the cabinet thingy (can't think of the name right now) that it doesn't have handles. I don't like it when they don't have handles. I guess I could add them though if someone were to give me this. So I wouldn't complain.On to the accessories and other furnishings for a while. LOVE this bookcase.
And could you just imagine this in my beautiful flower filled backyard patio?Some beautiful vases or a bowl like this here and there.
Pillows like this on the couch above with maybe one or two with blue or red embroidery.
This certainly would fit into my more modern imaginary house. I love it.This however, would definitely go into my more tribal house. I love it equally too. Actually I was extremely tempted to buy this one, so I might like it a bit more than the mirror above.
I love the whole wrought iron designs that are in style right now, I'm just worried that they'll look so dated in a couple of years. Plus, Leo doesn't like them that much.
Now this mirror, Leo and I BOTH loved it. And I was extremely tempted to buy this as well. Especially since Leo liked it as much as me. He wasn't as fond of the wood carvings above.
This map, (it's leather) I AM going to buy. Maybe as a present to myself when we buy our first house. Leo likes it as much as me too.
I know a lot of people don't care about light fixtures. I'm not one of those people. I imagine something like this.
Okay, now this really is my decorations for my living room. I've had this planned out since college. Fortunately for me, Leo's okay with this too. I want to decorate with musical instruments from all over the world. I think some instruments are so beautiful and it would be unusual and fun.Hopefully, I'll be able to gather these instruments on my own travels around the world. But otherwise there's great import stores on the web.
If I were to put up some pictures, I think I'd hang ones by famous painters and just hang small ones in little spots that you have to move in closer to see.
Like this one, in my kitchen.
Or this one, definitely a more romantic one, propped up on a bookshelf.Isn't this a fun one too. I really like it.
However, Leo prefers something like this. I don't mind it either. I would do this one big though. Maybe in our bedroom.We both like this too. Again, bedroom maybe?
I still love Russian impressionism though. I'd have to chose a rather bland one to suite Leo but the above trees I really like. It's calming.
And last but certainly not least, our kitchen. Finally, the type and color of wood we like!!! I like this kitchen so much. Except the dark countertops and flooring. And I would put in tile more exciting and global instead of that purplish/blue back splash they have.
Like this.
Yes, I realize these stairs are hideous. But imagine that I made them with cool tile like the one already pictured, and think how neat they would look.Also, as a final note. I wouldn't really make my door like this, but if it already was like this, I wouldn't complain a bit. And that's it. That's my imaginary house. I hope you enjoyed the tour.
10 years ago
WOW! That was a GREAT tour into your day dreams. Like I told Andrea...I never pictured you to like some of those items....so what a great post. I had fun getting to know you better.
I found it interesting that I am like you in a way. There are SO many different decorating styles out there and the funny part of it all, is that because I can't decide.....I end up making each room something different. Bedroom- mission style. Living room - Victorian and Tuscany. Basement - modern- African.
Strange. I know. I just love most styles and I need to have an outlet to give them a try. But mostly my style is "Clearance or thrift store Chic." : D
Kami--that was awesome. I had to laugh though--I loved the SHAPE of everything, but the color, Kami, where is the COLOR???? Ha ha. How can the two of us be so the same in such an opposite way?
Specifics: the beds rocked. Especially the really dark one in the middle of the room. The chair that you said was more "romantic" was my favorite--only it should be bright yellow, or purple, or green. The picture of the girls laughing out the window was one of my favorites. I also really liked the boats and the trees--you're right, very calming. The lady eating the grapes needed to put on forty pounds before I'd want her hanging around my kitchen.
The part we're the most different is the bowls. I would love that cool bowl in your house, but in my house it would puzzle me. The mirror that was blue--rocked.
Also, loved the idea of decorating with musical instruments. Again, wouldn't work in my house but I would LOVE to see it in yours--so utterly Kami.
Someday, little sister, our houses are going to be awesome. Our husbands will just have to learn to adjust. Or develop better taste--meaning OUR taste!
that was the most fun post! it's fun to dream and now I can vicariously through you. I love love love the idea of the musical instruments all around.
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