Wednesday, 23 May 2007


I've started using cloth diapers. It's quite an interesting endeavor. I wish I had Mom here to show me a couple of times if I'm folding and putting them on right, if I need to make them bigger or smaller, etc. I bought the Walmart ones, but they seem pretty worthless. Even double lined, they don't really absorb much, so I bought some flannel and am going to make my own. Hopefully they'll be better. I'm really not all that fond of cloth diapers, although they're supposed to be better for the enviroment, it's just that it will save me $30 dollars a month, which hopefully will help just a little bit more, so that I won't have to go back to work. Nursing is such a rip off. I just sent in to get my license in Illinois and it cost $190 including fingerprinting, FBI check, etc. Blah!! Why can't you be licensed nationally?!?!?!? I guess it was still better than Florida, there I paid $300 for my license. Arizona is the best, here you're licensed for four years, and it's a compact state (meaning I can work in other compact states like New Mexico and Utah without getting a new license). Well that's my whining for tonight.

On another note, I went to Jonathon Nordquist's wedding reception and although these pictures won't be up yet you can see them Friday HERE. It's under A. Wellman wedding, password: amanda. I like looking at wedding photos, even if they're not my own. Just check back on this Friday.


Hanah said...

Wow, Way to go Kami!!! Hopefully your flannel diapers work better! Good luck!!!

MVP-Cragun said...

Hey Kami-
I finally had time to go through those wedding pictures. Was enjoying them when all of the sudden, the cutest chubby-cheeked baby girl was on the screen. Yep, Miss Elena! She is so flippin' cute! Let's see, Brax will turn 16 in 13 years .... so, she will turn 16 in about 15 years ... call me up! We could arrange something! JK