Ah, sorry for the loads of pictures, but I decided to fit a whole week of Chicago in one post. So, first off, Monday Leo and I (and Isabel) went on a date to the Science and Industry Museum while Jennae babysat Elena. Leo made a cute clown there. We rode the El--what we didn't realize though is that the museum is on the south side of Chicago, I mean the SOUTHSIDE Chicago (read it with a gansta accent and a couple hand signs). Umm, yeah, we had to walk several blocks--a good 45 min walk actually. I asked Leo the time once, only to discover he was no longer wearing his watch. He pointed out that he didn't grow up in Bogotá for nothing.

That's one of the first
Benz's on the upper right, and an Aston Martin below. And upper left, Leo being a pirate with Isabel as his parrot.

This is the actual German
uboat, the U-505, that was captured by the U.S. during WWII. It's was Leo's favorite part, although he wouldn't pay the extra $5 to go inside. My favorite part was the exhibit on a few scientists now and their ideas for the future. That was fascinating. It was Leo's second favorite part by the way. Maybe I'll post more on them later. Oh, and just if
anyone's planning a trip someday, the Science and Industry was one of the most kid friendly museums I've been to here.

On Tuesday we went to the Field Museum again. I could spend weeks there, happily. I saw several mummies, including the black weird one above (it was a child) and several falcon, vulture and cat mummies as well.

Here's some of my favorite pieces in their Ancient Egypt collection. Doesn't the upper left make you think of The Mummy? Someone is going to have the undead chasing after them.

These ones were from the Colombian Ancient Americas collection. That was pretty cool. I'd like to take Ana there.

Some of the Mayan stuff I liked. Like I said I could spend weeks there. Maybe months.

Some Native American outfits.

Loved this one. It was in the South Seas collection.

More South Seas head-hunter stuff.

This was a Maori temple. Pretty cool.

When I travel the world, I'm going to collect musical instruments like this one from Tibet. Sweet.

Then we went to the Adler Planetarium.
Boring. Don't bother. Just spend all your time at the Field Museum instead. Good thing it was a free day and we didn't pay for it.

Jennae went into town and saw Wicked. I stayed home and rested. I needed it. Then on Thursday we took the El again and we went up the Sears tower. It was interesting, they had some cool information on the history of Chicago there.

Then we walked around Chicago and ate at Ed's where if you're a really good customer, you'd order more. The
Magnificent Mile was
magnificent and we went in the American Girls store per
Jennae's request. I've never seen a beauty parlor for dolls before.

This picture's for Andrea and

And tomorrow we're going to the Botanical Gardens.
Chau for now from
WOW! You live in a FUN city! Loved this post. Thanks for the tour of the museum....it made me wish I was there. So cool! Did you have to "sneak around" taking photos? I don't think I was allowed to take any the last time I was in the Calgary Glenbow museum. Maybe it was just for one exhibit....can't remember.
Anyway....I really loved this. I love to see the world through other people's eyes.
P.S. Nice red scarf!
Kami, now I MUST visit you to spend some time in the Redhead lounge. Maybe I'll even lounge on the piano and sing something sultry.
My feet are tired for you. Sounds awesome!! We want to come visit before you move!! Jared really wants to see Chicago. So, keep your touring notes for us!! Can't wait to see you!.
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