Wow, I can't believe this my 200th post! How exciting! I thought, in honour of my 200th post, that I would tell you all a secret.

To preface a bit, I was reading on one of the art blogs about Basically this guy had thousands of people send him a postcard with their secrets on it, he published them as a book and made big bucks and now he does speaking tours on how it can make us freer to tell our secrets. Whatever. I'd actually heard about this before on NPR (I even rememer the landscape I was driving through--very barren, I think it was Southern Utah outside Green River) but had since forgotten it. Anyway, here's some more from his site.

As you can see, they range from funny to horribly depressing. And some on the site are not appropriate for my blog anyway. So without further ado, here's my secret:

And now I tag anyone who wants, but most especially Kayli and Andrea and Lindsay to post a secret about themselves. Leave a comment on here if you've done so please!!
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