I had a call today by a a concerned brother wondering if he needed to send out the search and rescue because I hadn't posted in so long. Nope, I'm alive and well. Sorry to cause worry. Here's a little bit of what's been going on to keep me so preoccupied.
I'll let you guess the rest, but until these items are received by one red-headed sister of mine, and she posts some photos, (which I will then post as well) no further details will be given.
Also, Sebastian and Isabel and I have been sick. Diarrhea and vomitting. Not a fun combination. I might add that I've been washing a ton of laundry, and giving baths to above named children several times a day.
This is Sebastian before he became sick. That plant has since been moved.
What a rugrat. He stands up holding on to things all the time too. If he wasn't so darn cute I'd be really annoyed.
Also, we went up the canyon on Friday with a bunch of friends from church and had a potluck and smores. Very fun. I love campfires.
On Saturday between conferences we went to Ikea. I love that store. And FINALLY we bought the rest of the chairs to match our table. Those ugly metal ones are gone forever!!!!!!!!!!!!! (If you don't remember about my beautiful table you can read about it
here.) It's been almost two years since I bought that table, and remember how I was buying one chair here and another chair here (whenever I saw floor models at Ikea and whenever I had money from sorting those awful car parts)? I had bought three and then one was broken in the move, so we were down to two, and anyway, we bought four more. Also we bought new, lovely dinnerware. Our current ones had been given to us secondhand and had serious chips in a lot of them. Kayli gets all the fame and glory in this blog post because she guessed exactly what they looked like: plain beige. That's it. I LOVE them. Thank you, thank you NASA Research Grant. I love NASA now and internal gravity waves.
Mostly though, my every waking and sleeping moment (at least when I should be sleeping) is spent on that first project picture I posted. So now I am off to do dishes and finish at least one more part of that project.
I'm always glad to get all the fame and glory I can, but I don't remember hearing anything about dinnerware before, nor guessing it was plain beige, so maybe you're thinking of someone else.
I'm still famous and glorious though.
And the hat is rad. I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!
Can't wait to see more pics of the costumes you are sewing. I agree with Kayli! It's rad.
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