I was going to upload some pictures from my wedding, because Kayli declared it "Post a Wedding Picture Day." So I dragged out a box which I thought held pictures from my wedding that hadn't been scrapbooked. I didn't find them, although I did manage to wake my sleeping child. Ruff. I did find these. I laughed just remembering them. Plus, it was my ten year high school reunion this year, so it's kind of an appropriate memorial. (I didn't go--who goes to North Dakota?!?!?) So I thought I'd share.This was one of my best friends, Jennie, and I, with our favorite teacher, Mrs. Strube. She gave us detention once and made us wash beakers. She deserves accolades for putting up with our class (umm, us, I mean). Seriously. But then, we did distill alcohol in her class.....
This is Jennie and I in the chemistry lab chemical storage room. Why would anyone let us in there?!??!?! Oh wait, I don't think anyone was around when we went in......
Hence this picture.
This was our chemistry class. One time I stole Kayli's shoe at lunch and hung it off the periodic table. (She had a different chemistry class with Mrs. Strube-dog.) Another time, Jennie and I hung up a picture of Kelly Slater, (looking darn good I might add), that said "I don't smoke pot," from one of those 5 page science magazines that you get in school. We were, uh, promoting not smoking pot (drooling over his gorgeousness). Thomas N. (a really good friend of ours, standing to the left of Zn) got sick of it after a week and tore it up. Luckily we had saved several of the ads from the whole stack of magazines. I still have one somewhere. :) Hee. Hee. Also standing by me in this picture is Johannes, the foreign exchange student from Germany. We were supposed to read the school announcements in this class and we always badgered Johannes to read them in German. He protested loudly, because then we wouldn't understand them. Really, they were much more interesting in German. Oh, and yeah, if you think it's weird that I have a picture with my chemistry class, I also have one with my calculus class. We were tight. Mrs. Strube gave us a bunch of old, old, old chemistry books, one of which was "My Friend, The Atom." We crossed out "Atom" everywhere it appeared on the cover and title pages and wrote in "Derivative" and then we all signed it and gave it to our calculus teacher, Mr. Gessner. Jennie was in that class with me too, but it was after lunch so mostly I just slept. That bad habit stuck too, as I fell asleep during the AP Calculus exam. But hey, I still received my college credit and I never had to take a math class again, so whatever.

LOL! You little rebel you. Love the tour down memory lane. Somewhat like my high school days I think. Who didn't have days like that, eh? My kids had better not. But ignorance is bliss I think.
I loved your old high school pictures and the two headed cow and Sebastian in the garbage can - maybe I can fit an 11yr old and 10yr old in there too.
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