Last night I read on BBC that women are more likely to buy things impulsively during the ten days before their period starts then any other time. (They needed research to back this up?!?) Frequently the budget-breaking items are "adornment" pieces, such as jewelry, clothes, makeup, high-heel shoes, etc. The researchers studying this attributed it to two things: 1) Women self-medicate themselves by shopping. Basically, during this time women use the perk of buying something new and making themselves look nice to combat the negative emotions they may feel due to the extreme fluctuations in hormones. (I never do this by the way, as any long time reader of this blog would know!) 2) This is also the period when women are most fertile so they "adorn" themselves to become more attractive to men. The article also mentioned that women most often regretted these purchases. Fascinating, eh?
Which brings me to my purpose: I have set up a plan with my husband to curve my ahem, unwanted impulsive shopping. I made a list of things I want/need to buy in the next couple months and assigned each a month in which to buy it. Hopefully, this will help because then I can think, no, I'm already buying this item this month so I can't buy that. Anyway, if that made any sense at all, my item for April is a new swimsuit for me. Yeah! I actually have three swimsuits, but one is a maternity one and the other I bought when I weighed the least I've ever weighed since junior high. (140 lbs.) Leo says I look sickly when he sees pictures of me then, although at the time he never said anything. Anyway, it does not fit any longer--especially with me still nursing. In fact, I weigh now what I did when I was nine months pregnant with Elena. I try not to think about that. Anyway, my other swimsuit I've had since 9th grade and it is threadbare. Literally.
So, since I am horribly undecisive (except when I'm impulsive) I decided to ask for anyone's and everyone's input. Besides, as my sister Andrea and I have found, it's fun shopping together, while thousands miles apart on the internet. :)So, I really like the above one with the skirt. And my honey liked it too. But I really don't think brown is my color. And, as my mom pointed out, if I'm not happy with the color now, I probably never will be. So I think this one is out. I had already downloaded the photos when I decided that though.
This one is on sale. I love the colors and the price. But I think with kids that halter top may not be the most practical choice.
I just liked the print on this one. The rest is kind of whatever.
I love the style of this one, so retro and the back is cool. And the print is colorful, so this is definitely one of my favorites. Sorry I couldn't get a bigger picture of the front. Errr...
I'd have to be pretty tan to pull this one off, plus it's white and that plus kids is trouble. But I still love it. But not going to make the cut I think.
So this one is pretty practical and looks child resistant. I love fuchsia, but the orange not so much.
I like this one. I love the color. I do the criss-cross back cause of the kiddos.
Okay so I love this one too. I love the retro styling and that it looks so feminine. But do you think it's a little too matronly for me? I think this is one of my favorites.
Ahhhh.... choices, choices. I can't decide. Please help.
10 years ago
Awwww! You are so blessed to still have GORGEOUS legs for a swimsuit. I gave up on Swimsuits and swimming about 10 years ago....I have the legs of an 80 yr. old. Boo.
However, I love to shop and shopping for and with someone else is SO fun! I LOVE your choices. Especially to two that are retro looking. (The one with the cool back, as well.) I think you've made a couple of great choices!!
P.S. Very interesting study! I guess now I know why I went shopping like crazy last week. hee hee. But I will be returning a few things this week. ; )
The one you could only get a small picture or the last one. Both of them would show off your curves and still be child-friendly.
Wyatt likes the brown polka dot one (as do i!!) and he also likes the white one. I like the halter fabric design and the one with the criss cross back! Good luck!
I love the brown one, and the way cute one with the halter top fabric design! I had halter tops, and they always seemed to be just fine, in fact I thought they were better than normal straps, because they didn't move when little ones tugged, or climbed around, and then great for nursing, cause you didn't have to take the whole half of the suit off. :D But that's just my opinion. :D Whatever you choose, you will be way cute!
I have to say I'm going with Andrea on this one. I love the two retro suits and they would look awesome on you (from what I remember). :) Also I HAVE to know where you found them. I am in love with the one that you could only find a small picture of (4th from the top).
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