Tuesday 18 December 2007

Chocolate Passion

Christmas is my favorite time of the year because my mother always made the best homemade chocolates (among other things). I mean these chocolates are better than any you buy at stores except maybe Godiva. And really Godiva simply has more choices, that's the only reason, the qualify is about the same. See's, Fanny May, Russell's, Whitman's--all those, don't even hold a candle to my Mom's. I'm serious. I mean, if you've read my little blurp of "Sobre Mi" you might recall that I love chocolate. And I am at least a decent judge of chocolate if not exactly a connoisseur. I have had many years working as a nurse where we constantly received chocolates from patients and doctors at Christmastime, and I always considered myself doing a favor for all those other nurses who moan about their weight by eating as many as possible. Well, anyway now that I live a thousand miles from my mom, I have had to start making my own chocolates at Christmas. (Granted, I still had my mom mail me a block of dark chocolate from a most excellent store--Kitchen Kneads in Ogden, UT--but I do actually have to make the chocolates.) This is a very taxing task. But well worth it.

A crockpot full of chocolate, what could be better?This is when the chocolate is all melted and ready for dipping.

Truffle mixture. My favorite are truffles, I made some chocolate hazelnut this year.
These are for my honey, peanut clusters are his favorito.

And this would be my attempt at fudge, I kind of wrecked it this year, I undercooked it and then recooked it and it's just different, although it did set up.

These guys know there's something good cooking.Please, can I have some?Yum!Sweet satisfaction.


Matt and Valerie said...

yummm...maybe you will have to teach me the tricks of the trade when it comes to making chocolates. When it comes from a chocolate lover, you know they have to be good. :-)

Kayli said...

Kami, you are making me muy hungrito. That last picture of Elena is muy humoroso. Maybe you should sharo some of your chocolatos with your hermana favorito!!!!

Maria said...

Kami Sue!

Got your letter yesterday in the mail. So cute! You are such an awesome person and I'm so glad that we've kept in contact all these years! YOU ROCK!

Emily said...

Looks pretty yum! I would love to even attempt candy, but every time I do, it fails-- so I stick to cookies.