I was thinking lately about how last year at this time I was in Colombia, stuck there, trying to get Ana out without being charged with human trafficking, and it all seems a bit surreal to me. So I decided to do some posts of things that stood out in my memory about Colombia; things I hadn't taken pictures of necessarily, but with the help of google, I managed to find. These things are Colombia to me. This street could have been around the corner from Leo's aunt's house, where we stayed for two weeks. I can just picture myself walking to Carrefour, carrying Isabel, six months pregnant, dragging Elena, and Ana tagging along behind, drawing stares wherever we went.
Street performers. Almost every major intersection had at least one. Some swallowing fire. Some kids dancing. Some kids doing gymnastics. Juggling. Mimes. You name it, they were everywhere.
The amazing street vendors. Leche de cabra: Goat Milk.
It's impressive what they managed to carry on a bicycle. Again, at every intersection you were accosted by people trying to sell you things. All sorts of things.
Fruit was sold everywhere!!! Tons of it!
Again this street, it just feels like I'm looking out of Leo's Grandma's window right now.
The buses. So many nights coming back late from visiting relatives and sightseeing, I'd stare out the window at the people jam-packed into the buses.
Standing in the buses, or hopefully sitting. Actually many people were super nice to me, and would let me sit while they stood up because of either the pregnancy or the 2 kids hanging off of me. But do you see this picture, and the head space available there? Now imagine me, with me head cranked to the side, because I'm too tall for the roof. All those people would be up to my shoulders. Well, maybe not, this looks like it was taken inside a TransMilenio bus, they are plenty big.
The TransMilenio was pretty cool. Leo and I rode it several times while trying to straighten things out with Ana, and I just remember being bone weary and so thankful to end up with a seat.
10 years ago
1 comment:
Funny. Well, not really, but you know what I mean. I was just thinking about your situation that you had last year about this time....just a day or so ago and mentioned it again to Dean. LOVE that it all turned out so well.
Love these pictures and a little more about your trip. It's hard for me to imagine such places in the world exist. Thanks for sharing and giving a little more of the tour! Hope you have even more. ; D
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