Monday 26 July 2010

Goblin Valley State Park

Last Thursday and Friday we went camping at Goblin Valley State Park. Yes, I know we are idiots to camp in the middle of summer there, but it had been planned for June--only the trip was delayed.

The kids loved it though. Leo and I, well, camping is a lot of work.

Isabel had a hard time of it. She fell twice, not from rocks, but from picnic tables. Massive goose eggs decorated her forehead by the end of the trip.
A view of our campground at sunset.
Hiking by moonlight.
Sebastian asleep in his sleeping bag.
Our camp site.
Ana helped with breakfast.
Elena was fearless. And whiney. And overtired.
Hee. Hee.
Goblin Valley.
Cute girls.
Hot hike back to the van.


Lynn said...

Oh man! When I look at all the green and water on your previous post.....and then look at the pictures here on this post.....I can totally feel the heat, dirt and dry dust. You guys are amazing for going camping in that with 4 little ones. Looks like they had some fun though!

Kayli said...

AWESOME!! Looks like an AWESOME trip. Makes me want to come camp with you!