Green River is a tiny little town in one of the ugliest parts of Utah. Green River itself is fairly ugly, although the surroundings are pretty (the river vally it's in) and has definitely seen better days. However, despite it's flaws, it has the BEST WATERMELON IN THE WORLD!!!
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Green River Watermelon
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
Little Wild Horse Canyon Part Two
To continue our trek, I thought I'd start out with this gruesome picture. The one bug was eating the other bug, and dragging it along at a surprisingly fast pace. We had a devil of time trying to convince Elena to step around it in the narrow space we were in.
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Little Wild Horse Canyon
We also hiked the Little Wild Horse Canyon, a slot canyon nearby to Goblin Valley. I have tons of pictures, so this is the first of two posts. What can I say? I LOVE deserts, and I love the scenery. So beautiful. And wild. I love cottonwoods.
I loved it!! The kids were whiney at first (Elena anyway) but soon they were so tired out in the heat, they didn't have energy for whiney. By the end we were all tired, but we had a good time.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Goblin Valley State Park
Last Thursday and Friday we went camping at Goblin Valley State Park. Yes, I know we are idiots to camp in the middle of summer there, but it had been planned for June--only the trip was delayed.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Bridal Veil Falls
A couple of Saturday's ago, we went to Bridal Veil Falls up Provo Canyon. We took a picnic lunch and had a great time.
Sebastian was pretty content as always.