Moose bars are almost the same thing as Creamies (which are pretty much the best chocolate fudgecicle you will ever eat), only they are less expensive. Both are made and manufactured in Cache Valley. One of the many things that make Cache Valley so great! Did you know they also make Fat Boys in Cache Valley? Yes, it's pretty much icecream heaven there.
The mint chocolate covered ones are my favorite. They look like the above kind, only mint. I also love how they have messages on the stick, like "Time for another Creamie!" etc. Yumm.... I think I may go eat some icecream right now after all this.

Then I'll take a nap, because I stayed up till 4 AM cleaning up vomit. Yes, Elena has been sick and was throwing up everything from 5 PM onward. She's still just keeping down water. She (of course!) refuses the pedialyte I went to the store for at 11:30 PM. Leo's been sick too, he's at the Dr's right now, since he has to get a Dr's note for work. Anyway, it's definitely my naptime, Elena and Isabel are both asleep, so chao! And don't forget, if you ever drive through Utah, eat some Creamies (or Moose Bars if you're cheap like us!)
Okay. Now I DO want one. They sound SO good. I'll look for them in a couple of weeks when we are down there.
Sorry about everyone being SO sick. That is just GROSS! Hope the household is back to normal soon!
OK... I have to say, I definitely have no cravings for sweets at all!! hahaha it doesn't look as good right now but if I wasn't pregnant I will most likely eat a whole box!!
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