Wednesday 15 August 2007


Here's what I learned today. On the left is a garlic HEAD, on the right is a garlic CLOVE. I hope my beans turn out okay with two garlic heads instead of two garlic cloves. And thank you Andrea for setting me straight on that. (They did not by the way, a couple of tums later I flushed them down the toilet.)

Also on the homefront, I started potty training Elena. And it seemed absolutely fruitless, till the third time I sat her on her new little potty, and she went!!! Hooray!!! Leo was quick to point out his triumph (he also informed me today that he knew what a garlic clove vs. garlic head was). She went twice today on her potty.

I like Chicago! I might like it less when winter hits, but we went to this produce market near our apt. on Saturday and it rocked!! The bakery items looked scumptious, their were more meats in the deli part then I've ever even heard of. There was tons of freshly made cheeses. Mangoes as big as pineapples. Swiss imported chocolates. And leeks. Who ever sees leeks in normal grocery stores?!?!? And people speaking every language from all over the world. I LOVE IT!!! Leo pointed out one guy in a turban with a full, long, gray beard holding the hand of a three-year old little girl (or there abouts), and said that everyone should have a grandpa that looks like that. :)

Since I'm not posting more pictures, here's some more cool videos. Yes, I know you're all wondering what I do with my time, and now you know (besides chopping up a lot of garlic.)

THIS IS THE BEST ONE-Kayli even you with your slow download should watch this with Brett
What my husband thinks is REAL dancing- And then he married me. Poor silly man. One time when we were dating, he spent an HOUR AND A HALF teaching me how to move my hips up and down for merengue. He is very patient. But can you imagine the hours it would take to get my feet do anything?!?!?
Another style of Colombian style of dance--done by a kid. Yeah, well, my kids will show this kid up in no time....As long as their Colombian dancing blood from their dad completely washes out my stomping on a ship Danish blood. (This one is pretty long, feel free to not watch it all, especially if you'd rather watch this--the one lift is so worth watching. Leo says the best dancers come from Cali (where these dancers are from), he also says the women there are trashy. I chose not to pursue that comment. Hey, and for my family--watch out!!! This is what Leo and I are doing for the next karoake contest. However we're going to skip the ugly Star Trek done "sexy" costume the guy is wearing.)
This one reminds me of mi papacito-he's gone flying. :( I Miss LEO!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHHH!!!!!

1 comment:

Hanah said...

Don't feel bad about the garlic. When we were first married and I was barely pregnant with Kenzie, Blake wanted to make a nice roast dinner for me. Really early in the morning he put all the ingredients into the crock pot, and he also put an entire head of garlic into the roast and then headed off for work. About an hour later, me, my sister who was visiting with us, and our family dog smelt the most awful strongest smell of garlic. It penetrated every room in our small apartment. It made me want to throw up then and there. Even the dog was hiding in the back room the smell was so strong. My sweet sister saved the day and put the crock pot outside and with a paint mask over her face fished the garlic head out of it. All day long everyone in the complex could smell that garlicy roast. We still joke about it to this day, but I still don't like garlic very much after that. :)