Late at night, well, maybe not that late at night for me, but those nights when Leo is actually home and I do go to bed at a somewhat decent hour and then I can't sleep, I think of all the useful things I could be doing and set goals to do them. They never last past dawn, or more appropriately, past 10:30 AM when I finally, unwillingly crack my eyes open to see my daughter destroying my new glasses that I bought just over a month ago--like I did this morning. Sigh.
I am hoping that by revealing them to the world, I will be shamed into actually accomplishing some of my high aspirations. I feel particularly pathetic because now that I'm a stay-at-home mom I have quite a bit of free time (granted some activities aren't possible with Elena clinging to my legs). Feel free to goad me about them at any time as more motivation. Here they are, my goals and aspirations, some of which I have done absolutely nothing about.

1. Study Spanish--I even bought a new computer program to study with. Ideally, I could be dedicating several hours a day to this as I really, really want to learn Spanish and it is my top priority.
2. Exercise every day. (Yuck.) Although, this one is actually one I do manage, umm, weekly.
3. Read the scriptures for at least a half hour. Honestly, this rarely happens, often because I stay up late blogging instead. How's that for misplaced priorities. Oh wait, that's what I'm doing right now.
4. Do some online genealogy courses from BYU. I read a lot of silly YA fiction, which easily could be replaced with this much more worthy pursuit.
So there they are (not ALL my goals, but it's a start). Spanish, I have to say, is my nemesis. Uggh. I hate studying things I have no interest in. The others really aren't so bad. Which is why it bothers me even more when I don't buckle down and do them. I definitely need to work on having more self-discipline. I was thinking about it the other night, and I think I would wish for that characteristic over most others, exempting of course charity, which should be one of the main aspirations of anyone's life, but anyway, back to discipline. I think discipline would be good because most the time I know what I should be doing, it's just a matter of getting off my lazy derriere and doing it. So with that in mind I think I'll go read the scriptures. (After adding a few cute pictures of mi hija (does that count for my Spanish for the day?)).

Elena and her new doll that her abuela sent.

Elena obviously has literary aspirations.

Here, she lost interest in children's stories and was going directly for Tolkien.
Kami I know how you feel about wanting to be more self disciplined. For me it is always easier to get something done if I know someone else is counting on it, but when it just for myself I am the worst procrastinator. I have been meaning to repaint my toes since June, pretty horrible huh. I talk about working out all the time, but just never actually make myself do it, and I really have no excuse especially when the kids are in bed by 7:30, and Blake is on a trip. :D I love the pictures of Elena she is growing up so fast, and she is soooo adorable!!
Yeah. Me too.
Elena is soooooo cute in the pictures with the doll--she's starting to get curls around her ears!!!!
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