Monday 8 April 2024

End of the Year Burning Parties

Isabel wanted to have an end of the year homework burning party with friends.  Fine by us, but we didn't realize she basically printed flyers and invited over 50 kids.  Wow.   But it was all good and they all seemed to have a great time.  Our backyard in Wichita was perfect for that kind of party.  Anyway, these photos uploaded backwards.

We just had a bunch of chips and pop and marshmallows for cooking.  Leo stayed out there with them to kind of watch over the crazy homework burning.  

Sebas invited a couple of friends too. 

They jumped off the porch onto the tramp, played badminton and tetherball and just generally everyone seemed to have a great time!

I don't know what Sebas and his friends were doing.

Elena's nails for her party.  She had a seperate one a different night with just a handful of friends.  You can definitely tell which of my kids are introverts and which aren't. 😂
She had Italian cream sodas with her friends.

Aww, Kate and Elena, besties still. 

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