Wednesday 15 February 2023

The Youngs, Lice, and Other Craziness 2021

So like I mentioned, the Youngs stayed with us for 6 weeks about.  I think.  This is one of their dogs.
It started out a bit rough because I was still working nights and Leo was stressed, but then Leo went to Wichita, and I quit my job and that helped.  Again, I feel like I was mean and ornery the whole time, and I wish I had relaxed and enjoyed the time with Andrea more, but I also was getting sadder and sadder by the day about moving.  I didn't realize how much it would upset me because usually I'm like on to the next adventure! Also, Andrea homeschools, and I started staying in my room more and more because it was a lot of people home all the time.  Andrea had some issues too--Smaug's cage made the basement super hot.  And our cats in the garage were no fun for her because she's allergic.  I'm sure there was other things too that she was too polite to say.
Tim used my sewing room as his office and we moved Sebastian and Nicolas up to Efraim and Jubal's room so the Young's basically had the basement rooms (including the gym as a bedroom) and it worked really well.  

One of the more stressful things that happened is that Elena came home with lice from an overnight swim meet.  Then Isabel caught them too.  I spent forever combing out their hair because the thought of having 13 kids with lice freaked me out.  Anyway, I looked up a lice clinic and had them all professionally looked over, but my obsessive combing had already done the trick and there was no lice found in anyone's hair.  All my kids missed school that day though and we had spent some time at a park nearby and went to my favorite Savers (thrift store) in Draper.   

I did help Andrea tie and bind three quilts for her youngest girls.  She had bought the cutest duvets at Ikea, but (understandably) wanted to turn them into quilts.  I was happy to oblige.

One of my favorite things about Andrea being at our house was that she read stories to my kids all the time.  It was awesome.  I made dinner most of the time, and then Andrea or her kids did the dishes.  I love not doing the dishes.  That was awesome too!

All my kids grew really close to her kids, that was another great thing about it.  And they all missed them when they moved.  
The local high school was so great to work with Andrea, Cowen and Emeline went to seminary with Elena.  And the football coach (?) Barker (he was one of Leo's counselors in the branch presidency but yet Leo can't remember his name) let Cowen join the football team.  Cowen was very angry about moving away from Ogden so that soothed him a bit.  Yeah, that was another stressful part of when Andrea stayed with us--we had a couple very angry teenagers that hated us. 

The night before they left.  So sad!!!

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