Saturday 14 January 2012

Christmas Princess Dresses

I made these dresses for Christmas for Elena and Isabel.
Isabel wears hers almost every day. So I guess she likes it. :)
Elena doesn't wear hers as much, but only because the neckline is indecently low. I put some fabric there just for these pictures, but now I need to hand sew it in permanently.
The back laces up--that was so easy to do, and it's actually quite easy for them to get on and off for dress up, I just have to tie the bow for them.

Getting them to cooperate for pictures is not my idea of fun.
Sleeping Beauty
And she woke up! The end.


Lynn said...

Wow. What gorgeous fabrics! What lucky girls to have play dresses like those. Cute princesses they are. ; D

Kayli said...

Soooo cute! I love that there's a red and blue.