Wednesday 23 July 2008

Kayli sent me these . . .

Kayli sent me these blog addresses: Tales from Labor and Delivery and Seriously So Blessed. I was reading the Tales one and ran across this lovely tale. I had pretty much that exact same experience while working in L&D. Plus, a couple of my relatives did the same thing . . . SIGH. That's part of the reason we ended up with Ana. The Tales Blog definitely reminds me of all the reasons why I loved nursing and am now somewhat cynical and bossy (I didn't use to be--I promise!)

The other blog, Seriously So Blessed, is a satire on, well, blogs just like this. Yep, 20-somethings Mormon mom /newlywed blogs. Hee. Hee. It's funny in small doses, and then it starts to grate and reminds me of why I like living out of Utah. Okay, I know, it's satire so it is way over the top. But still . . .

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