I have to say (if you haven't noticed) I don't really care for much of the music played on radio stations now. I used to think my brother Derek was pathetic (no offense Derek) because he loved 80's music so much. Gag. However, now I find that the 90's at Noon hour which one of the stations does here is my favorite time to have the radio on. Listening to a little bit of Greenday, Smashing Pumpkins, and Alannis makes me feel a little more sane in the sea of Fergie, Justin Timberlake, and well, I try not keep track of the rest. I guess I'm dated.
For once, there's a song being overplayed on the radio that I don't cringe every time it comes on. I actually like it a lot. It's definitely not Fergie or Justin or anything like that. It's Yael Naim's New Soul song. My little sister Lindsay said she had never heard it when she came out a while back, but Utah sometime's a bit slow, or is that just my imagination? Anyway, here it is for all your listening pleasure.
When I looked it up on Youtube, I actually found a song of hers I like better. So here's my favorite.
And just to give an idea of the number of languages she sings in, here's another.
I guess New Soul was used on a commercial and became really popular, kind of like Feist's song that Kayli loves so much. I don't have television stations, so I've never seen it.
I also watched my other new favorite overplayed song on Youtube, but due to censoring I can't post that here. But you can click on it down below on my playlist. It's the new Enrique song, Donde Estan Corazon. It's played every fifth song on La Calle, the Latin hits radio station here.It's weird to watch Enrique Inglesias anyway, he's too pretty.
Ricky Martin's the same way. See what I mean?
I like a lot of Enrique's songs, but Juanes just beats him hands down--with the added bonus that he doesn't try to be pretty (well, most of the time anyway.) Plus, he's Colombian.Here he is toned down a little bit. Anyway if your going to go for a really handsome Hispanic (NOT pretty), Antonio Banderas is it. (Besides my husband of course.) Plus, he's Zorro.
I'm just slightly biased towards gorgeous black hair, brown eyes, and dark skin. That's just me though. Enough rambling for tonight on insipid subjects. Adios.
1 comment:
Yum. Love the pretty boy pics. I am kind of partial to the dark hair and dark eyes too. I'm just saying........LOL!
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