Elena was so engrossed painting that she couldn't be bothered to look up.
Isabel, I believe, was eating more paint than what was on her paper/high chair.

Here she is after a healthy lunch of dirt. We like to keep our kids on a balanced diet: fruit, vegetables, dirt, paint.

Here's Sebastian and Beaver (aka Roadkill). Sebastian's quite the handsome devil, isn't he.

This is Isabel looking sweet. Don't be fooled.

This is her true colors shining through.

Yes, her true colors, and that's why I love her.

Ana's true colors really are sweet.

These two however, (sigh), well, on the left we have Miss Perfectly-Terrible-Two, and on the right is Miss Weep-and-Wail-about-ANYTHING.

And this is Kathmandu. Sweet eh? Once I tried to go to Nepal. But I didn't have the money, so I went to Colorado instead. But on Sunday, Leo had his friend over who is from Nepal. We spent the whole time pestering him with questions. Who knew that there's a type of rhinoceros that lives in Nepal?!?!? Not me. That is so cool. I definitely have to go to Nepal someday.
And in my final news for tonight, on Sunday I printed out 25 names to take to the temple for baptisms, endowments, and sealings to parents; and two couples to be sealed to each other. Sweet, eh? All from our research in Colombia. Life is good.
It's so different to see a little boy on your blog now. Too cute!
That is great news about names for the temple! Way to go!
Wowser---that baby came out of nowhere. Very unexpected.
Way to end with Nepal. So Kami.
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