My in-laws drove out this past weekend to visit. Here is Sebastian with his adoring Abuelita.
And here's our family with my parents after Sebastian's baby blessing on Sunday. It was so fun--all my brothers and sister and their families that live in Utah came. They made me all laugh so hard too, because even though our ward for the first time ever is offering headsets to translate into English what's being said, all but my mother said they would just "feel the Spirit." What goofs. Then that one headset, was passed all around. Hee. Hee.
Everybody came to our house afterwards for a potluck. Ana was in heaven playing with her cousin Danica all day. And I never really saw much of Elena or Isabel either. Or Sebastian for that matter--everybody wanted to hold him. I love being close to family!
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
O happy day
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
A Song and A Dance Interrupted
Monday, 22 March 2010
Pictures and Stuff
Elena was so engrossed painting that she couldn't be bothered to look up.
Isabel, I believe, was eating more paint than what was on her paper/high chair.

Thursday, 18 March 2010
I love Spring!
I just wanted to say that springtime has got to be the best time to have a baby. Everything is getting warmer--the snow is gone!!! I planted irises a couple days ago (yes, I know you're supposed to plant them in the fall, but some ladies at church told me that they're like weeds, and I'd be lucky to kill them off, and they were already sprouting in the bag.) And there's crocouses blooming at a neighbor's house where we walk by on the lovely walks we can take now because it is so warm. Really, it's fabulous--everything just makes me want to get up and moving and outside. Oh, and I LOVE having the mountains nearby again. They are so beautiful. Sebastian will definitely be getting lots of sunshine this spring!
Friday, 12 March 2010
Ana's Birthday!!!
Yes, yes, I realize Ana's birthday is not till Saturday, but we celebrated it early on Wednesday, so Grandma could be here.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Sebastian Jack
So this is me, the night before. My due date was the 2nd, and on the 4th I had a Dr's appt. and being a bit impatient, I had him strip my membranes. It worked like a charm. (I also ran up and down the stairs at 10 min. intervals for 2 mins straight about 5 times--and followed the Dr's Part B of his prescription--he said Part A was him stripping the membranes, Part B was how we got in this mess in the first place. Hee. Hee.) By 5 AM the next morning I started having regular contractions. By 9 AM I made Leo take me to the hospital. I was dilated to a 3. By 10:30 I had an epidural. That was nice. In the words of the Dr. who delivered our new baby, "Happiness is a numb bum." Yes, indeed. At noon, the Dr. broke my water.