Sorry, I've taken so long to post, but you all know how it goes come the Holidays. We spent Thanksgiving at my sister Kayli's house. It was fabulous. I made two pies. Yum. And parsnips.Kayli said we all looked scraggily and maybe we should try to dress up a bit next time, at least shower. But hey, the food was fabulous!
While we were there, Kayli took some photos of our chicas. They weren't so obliging.
It's crazy how different these two kiddos are. Wowsers.
I dressed up Elena to be a diva for Kayli to take pictures. She definitely has the attitude.
And of course with a dress like this that Kayli bought, how could we not dress up Ana too??!!?! She's wasn't too thrilled about the curlers the night before or freezing outside in the snow, but our constant flattery of how gorgeous she looked appeased her to some extent. More of these pictures to come.
Once back home, I had to keep these two seperated. Isabel is pushing Elena away here. I don't blame her. We call Elena "Loquita" for good reason. Oh, we've also pretty much potty trained Elena now too.
Also, Elena's doll needed some new pj's for Christmas Eve. (See Aunt Darlene, I can sew my own! Sort of.) You'll hopefully see Elena's baby model quite a few more outfits before Christmas. Hopefully. But hey, I'm actually following a pattern this time. It's amazing. So much simpler than making it up as you go.
I almost have these done. Not quite perfect, but close enough for me. Just the picture on the front to sew on. That might wait till next year. We'll see.
My first fabric flowers. You'll have to wait till after Christmas to see what these adorn.
Leo's been busy growing a cool Brigham (facial hair). Sweet. I love it. He hasn't been flying much because his captain this bid is training. Pilot's aren't allowed more than a mustache, FYI.
And all this has tired our Elena and me. So goodnight.
10 years ago
I just think the pics that Kayli took are so CUTE!
Great job Kami! And I knew you could sew, you made those fantastic costumes.I am only comfortable sewing what I know and christmas jammies I know. LOL I am going to make Colt an apron to take on his mission and I am freaking out because I don't know how to make the edge around it look good.
Kami I am laughing out loud right now at sweet little Isabel's face hahaha with her big sister! I love it, and thinks it is sooo hilarious that almost every picture of the two of them together she is making that face. HAHAHA :D The pictures Kayli took are just beautiful, and I can't wait to see more!! I also love Leo's "Brigham." I don't know why they don't let pilots grow facial hair. They look soo handsome! Blake is taking advantage of the 'lough and growing a goatee. I love it!!
Oh Yeah and your flowers and baby jammies turned out AMAZING!!
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