Friday I went garage sale shopping--I can see that becoming very addictive. I bought a little toy shopping cart for Elena (which she loves!!!) and plastic toy food. Elena likes to put her doll and blanket in the shopping cart and then try to climb in herself, which causes it to collapse. Hee. Hee. It's funny to watch. I also bought several skirts for Ana and a dress (I'll post pictures of that later!). I also bought the complete set of Little House on the Pairie books, which is safely tucked away for a Christmas present to Ana. :) I bought a sewing machine too--I was soooo, sooo excited. They promised me it worked. It doesn't. I took it to the repair shop and for about $100 I could get it fixed. Yeah, that's not happening. I could practically buy a new one then. Errrr. The lady said if I had issues with it I knew where they lived, I wonder what they would say if I really did show up and ask for my money back ($35). This Saturday we went to the Public Works festival--it included a ride on the street sweeper and on the lift thing that they use to fix electrical wires. I also got a free geranium and lunch for all of us. Ana had a ton of fun. Elena has hit that clingy age and wouldn't let go of me the whole time. When the tiger of whatever it is (in the picture above) came up to us, she screamed bloody murder.
In other news, I hit a car afterward. Errrr... that really did not make my day. And this is what happens when your 18 month old decides to dress herself (Dad helped a little with the shirt). She also likes to pull out every pair of socks in her drawer and put them on. Funny girl.
10 years ago
LOL! Cute bum. Babies little bums are SO cute.
I would go back and get your sewing machine refunded for sure! We are garage sale-ers and everyone that holds one KNOWS to expect people to come back for their money if it doesn't work. That's just common garage sale'ing" etiquette. That's just not fair what they did! If they don't give you your money back, just tell me where they live! : D
Yeah, I'd go get your money back. Looks like Ana had a lot of fun! Sorry you hit a car! How is your pregnancy going? I want to see pics of Ana in her skirts and dresses! Tell her it is for Aunt Lindsay!
That last picture is so funny!
I would take the machine back!
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