Wednesday 5 March 2008


Today, I thought I was going to cough out my lungs. I think chunks of them have already come out in fact. Okay, sorry for the gross details, but I'm just sick of being sick. I'm fairly sure I have bronchitis if not pneumonia. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor and I'll find out if I'm right or not. Anyway, I'm had so little energy that blogging is really the last thing on my list of things to do. Right now, I'm waiting impatiently by the phone for Leo to call and that is why I've taken the time to blog. Otherwise, I'd be in bed. In other news, here's some cute photos from today.

1 comment:

Lynn said...

Cute pics! Ooooo! you being sick. Doesn't sound good at all. Glad to hear you will be seeing the doctor. Hope your feeling much better soon!