Tuesday 16 October 2007


I LOVE this show. Okay, due to it's high amount of sexual content--- I'll rephrase that. I really enjoy watching Scrubs while being quick to turn the channel. Hee. Hee. Now you all know another weakness of mine. But really I hate all other medical shows, I avoid them like the plague. The Discovery Health channel leaches the life force right out of my body. I swear, it's true. But Scrubs does a good job of showing some sad with the mostly cynical and a whole lot of absurdity to really really capture the essence of healthcare. Anyway here's some good clips for you all. Most of them are short--just a minute or less.

Drug Addict--Okay, this is pretty harsh, but generally sums up my whole feeling on nursing. Yeah. So that's why I'm retired. I hate patients like that. And yes, they exist--in numerous, numerous quantities. In fact, in Florida, everyone would know when the price of drugs on the street went up because we'd get a rush of our frequent flyers. Yes, I am a bitter, mean, nasty nurse. My other hated patients are the 700 lb (no exaggeration there folks) 30-40 year old patients who are of course diabetic and have oozy, disgusting diabetic ulcers all over their legs and feet and who eat icecream and chocolate ALL day and complain if you don't bring it immediately or when they eat the floors entire supply and complain when you don't have time to call the kitchen to bring more up and they want you to wipe their backsides for them because they can't reach. Okay, wow, sorry for the tirade.
Dominican -- I added this for Derek-- she's Dominican, It's from their all musical episode.
Hugh Jackman --- I tend to agree with J. D. on this one.
J.D. plundering---I kind of feel sad that all Leo can get is pretzels and peanuts since we're kind of in the same boat.
Classic Turk and J.D. and another one, Bugles
And some more musical ones too:
And you have to have a falls montage.

Well, enough of that. Yes, I have a lame sense of humor. Nursing twists and warps your brain. Stay away from hospitals. Leo really ought never to know what I do with my time when he's away. Sigh.


Emily said...

I've had my run in with a few interesting nurses... a male nurse that checked my "aftermath" after giving birth to my second, and that was a little interesting... and a mean nurse that would not give me a sleeping pill even though I was up all night and practically waiting for the nurses to come in and check my stats as something to do on that long dark night. BUT-- I must say that I look up to nurses to much, and at one point wanted to become one, if it wasn't the fact that I can't stand the sight of blood, well--

Do you think you will ever go back?

Kami said...

No. I sure hope not.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kami - I watched your clips - they are very funny - but I still love nursing!!!
I like your blog site too- I had funny reading all of it.
