Sunday 28 October 2007

Chocolate Griddle Cakes

I tore this recipe out a Gourmet magazine a couple years ago, and it's become a favorite. As you can tell by the smiling faces. It is delicious!! Although, like most delicious things, probably not that healthy. Oh well. It's breakfast, so it can't be that bad, right???

Chocolate Griddle Cakes With Chocolate Sauce

For Sauce:

1 c heavy cream

7 oz bittersweet chocolate

For Griddle Cakes:

1/2 c cocoa powder

1 1/4 c flour

1 c sugar

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/8 tsp salt

2 whole eggs

1 large egg yolk

3/4 c buttermilk

1/4 c oil

1 tsp vanilla

Make sauce: Bring cream to boil and then pour hot cream over chocolate, gently whisking until smooth.

Make griddle cakes: Sift together dry ingredients, then add wet ingredients. (Cooks well on a temperature controlled griddle at 300 degrees)

Delicious!!!!! Not so nutritious. Definitely does not taste like chicken!

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