Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Day 2 of Spring Break: Little Wild Horse Canyon

Amy and her family arrived Friday morning.  They had spent an unpleasant night in their van when they couldn't get a hotel room.  But after breakfast we headed out for Little Wild Horse Canyon.  I love that hike.  One day I will hike the all of it, but not with toddlers.  Actually, Olivia carried Jubal the whole way and I carried Nicolas part of the way and then Leo carried him part of the way, and then Myles carried him back.  I have to say teenagers aren't bad for some things. Back at camp though, it was very cold and very windy.

Monday, 28 March 2016

Day One of Spring Break

We went with my sister Megan and her family to Goblin Valley for Spring Break.  We got there after dark the first night (Leo and I went to the temple in the morning and to Smith and Edward's for some last minute camping purchases).  Jubal snuggled up with Anders and stayed there the whole time we set up our two tents.

The next day it was windy like crazy and I spent way too long making breakfast but it turned out okay so that's good anyway (my first time Dutch Oven cooking).  The kids got endless rides from Myles and Leo on the dirt bikes and Ranger.  And we explored the old ruins of rock houses that dated back to when the area was being mined for uranium.

Then Megan's family rode their dirt bikes and Ranger down and around on a road that I thought was going to kill our van, and then we ate lunch and went on a short hike.

Devaney and Sebastian were pretty much inseparable.

Grandma can basically out hike us all.  Except maybe Megan.

Myles didn't want to hike so he tried to ride a tiny motorbike down a dry streambed.  It didn't work.Elena

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Ana's Birthday and other things.

Oh my goodness!!!  Ana turned 16!!!!!  Craziness!!!  She was of course, super excited.  And had hoagies like last year, and a turtle pie.  (Kayli, the infamous turtle pie that only you and I would eat that one Thanksgiving because our husband's are weird and thought it was too rich??!!?)
Good choice, Ana, good choice.

She was even more excited when she found an iPhone in her boots.  Yeah, I love it when my kids love their presents and she liked both of course.
Then last weekend I headed to Cheyenne and left Leo with all the kids, expecting him to be slaving away taking care of all of them by himself.  But no, he went fishing all day with Ray, a guy he knows from our ward and work. And they even went shopping together to get all the stuff Leo would need.

Leo's first fish ever caught!

Ray has a gorgeous dog by the way.  We need a dog.

Meanwhile I went to Cheyenne for the Wyoming Bee College.  It was overwhelming, but good.  I decided I want a Scandinavian long box hive and already made a deal with my cousin that he'll make two for me if I paint his two for him and come visit him in Oregon.  Sweet!!

I stayed at the in-laws of my friend in Cheyenne, and they were asking me where I was from, etc. and I said S. Alberta, and he started listing all the S. Albertans he knew, which included some Wildes (definitely related) and my cousin's husband. They were mission companions. That was funny.  And that is all, I must run.

Sunday, 13 March 2016

Chariot racing and Sebastian's Birthday

Last weekend was super fun, and kind of crazy.  We took the kids to Saratoga and played in the Platte River.  Always fun.  Rivers and rocks, doesn't get better than that.  

Crazy kids, it was cold!!  There was still ice in patches and snow.

Then we had a picnic.
And then we went to see chariot races.  It was really cool.  Although it was forever long between each race because they had an auctioneer that was taking bets.  We only stayed an hour or so because we wanted to go to Home Depot and buy some lumber.
Ana took all these pictures.

Yes, I was sewing.  Are you surprised?

Anyway, we drove to Laramie to go to Home Depot, only I thought there was a Home Depot there and there isn't one. So then we drove to Cheyenne.  And we didn't get home to 11 or so that night.  It was kind of crazy. Oops.
We missed celebrating Sebas's birthday so we celebrated it on Sunday.  And surprise! Surprise!  We got home from church and Grandma and Grandpa were parked in the driveway waiting for us!  So fun!!!!
So they got to see Sebastian's mountain cake with the deer and coconut for snow (he was very specific about both of those.) Leo added the dragon.

Now ALL the kids want fishing rods!  But people give us trout all the time now, so no need to go fishing, right?   Anyway, he loved it.  So that's good.