Monday, 26 May 2014

News of this last couple weeks

1. A lady at my sewing class gave us a bike with no pedals, saying that our boys might use it as a balance bike.  Leo took the pedals from the bike with training wheels that I bought for $3 at a garage sale, and he put in on the other bike.  The new bike is the next smaller size than the bike with training wheels.  Anyway, Sebastian had tried to ride the bigger bike but wasn't strong enough.  He got on the smaller bike with no training wheels and away he went.  It was pretty amazing that he just could ride almost immediately. 
2. Nicolas saw Leo drop kick a ball and has since spent hours drop kicking balls.  I really, REALLY need to get it on film.
3.  I buzzed Nicolas and Sebastian's hair.  Sebastian went first and he was really good.  So Nicolas just followed suite and was doing great and I was half way done cutting it when Sebastian came back in the kitchen and he got SOOO mad at me.  He said he wasn't talking to me anymore and HOW could I cut off Nicolas's curls??!??!?!  He really was mad for the rest of the afternoon.  Then Isabel saw him and she was mad too!!!!!  I never knew the kids had such strong opinions about their brother's hair.  Leo liked it though.  I can't believe how grown up it makes him seem.  He went from being a baby to a toddler overnight.
4.  Isabel was sick and throwing up on Monday.  Not fun.  But at least it lasted only 12 hours. She was asleep when I buzzed Nicolas's hair. (Leo had spent two days home the week before with the same type of stomach bug that Elena had had.  Hopefully, we're passed all the illness in our house for a while.) 
5. I met a new lady in our ward who knew Kayli in Indiana.  I mentioned in the course of a conversation about babies and the number of kids your limited to depending on the age when you start, that I had a sister who was 30 with six kids but she got married when she was 17.  She immediately asked, "Is your sister Kayli?"  She said that before at the first playgroup where we met she had wanted to ask if I knew her because I reminded her so much of Kayli because of our mannerisms.  Funny, eh?
6.  Friday night we had a practice swim meet and a potluck pool party afterwards.  The swim meet was long and boring, but the pool party was fun.  I went swimming with Nicolas and he LOVED it.  It was a little chilly and I thought he'd be too cold, but he was as happy as could be.  I finally managed to drag Leo in too.  He didn't want to get in, because it really was quite nippy. 
7.  I bought a bunch of fabric online for my new maternity wardrobe.  When I got it, I almost cried.  What a waste of money.  I bought all clearance fabrics (mostly $3 a yard or so) trying to save money, but I really don't know knits that well, and some of them are SO ugly, they looked better online.  Luckily there's a few cute ones, and I guess it will be good practice for me for sewing on knits.  I don't know how well my sewing machine will handle knits anyway, and so I'd hate to spend a bunch of money only to have my sewing machine eat the material.
8.  Ana and Elena's Christmas shopping is practically finished as of this week.  And I know what I'm getting Isabel and Sebastian already too.  Love that.
9. Elena says she wants to have 20 kids and she tells everyone that.  She plans on getting two vans and she has it ALL planned out apparently.  It's funny to see people's expressions when she tells them that.
10.  Saturday Leo and I abandoned our kids and went to the temple and then to run some errands.  We were gone most of the day (we bought Ana mint oreos to say thank you for babysitting that whole time.)  Then we bought a groupon, called up our friends Truston and Brittney at the last minute and went to a churrascaria for dinner with them.  It was good.  But it was REALLY great spending all day with Leo.  Brittney's parents ending up coming too.  Good times.
11.  Today is Memorial Day and should be a holiday, but the school district is making up a "snow" day. We're keeping Ana and Elena home anyway.  Gosh, I feel like a rebel.
12.  Nicolas loves bubbles, and has learned to say bubbles, and he spends hours at the swim practices blowing bubbles.  It's really cute.
13. And this is how lame we are: the stake has a "Fun Run" 5k and 1 mile walk and then a carnival afterwards every year.  We went for the first time this year, but I hit snooze around 5x's so we just showed up for the carnival and totally missed the 1 mile walk I was going to do with the kids.  Yep, we're lazy.  But the kids had fun getting their face painted and eating snow cones and cotton candy anyway.

This was much later after their face painting had smeared all over.  
 And some cute photos of my handsome toddler.

 This is how Nicolas prays except for two seconds when he scrunches his eyes closed and his nose is all cute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The top pic of Nicolas is soooooo cute!!! I like his hair cut. Funny about Sebastian and Isabel. And nice you could get away. Also,other post. YOu did not tell me about the shower!!!!!!! That was lovely!! How nice of your friends. Love you.