Wednesday 15 January 2014

New Year's

For New Year's we went up to Leo's parents' house in Austin.  Natalia (Ana's older sister) was there visiting with her husband Jonathan and his little brother Leandro.  We had a great time visiting with them.  Plus, Jonathon and Leandro grilled us delicious meat (all sorts) over the fire, Argentinian style.  Yumm!  I ate the most I had eaten all month.  
 Jonathan, Ana, Natalia, and Leo's aunt, Yani.
 Ana, Jonathan and Leo's parents.
Martha and Orlando
 Proof I was there!  Although, Nicolas was starting to get sick by that evening and I mostly was holding him.  Poor fussy child. 
 The kids with Yani's kids (Nicolas and Daniel) out trying to see fireworks at midnight.  No luck, even though we heard some.  Sebastian was in tears and mentioned fireworks constantly till Leo bought some the next day and we watched them at our house that Friday night. ---Side note to New Year's: I still felt cruddy, I thought I was on the upswing too because I didn't ever throw up at my in-laws (must have been all that meat!) but I caught a cold there and I think it made the nausea worse again.  Anyway, despite that we invited some families over to our house on Friday to play games and watch fireworks with us.  And then I felt bad, because I had made a few things (a cream cheese tart with raspberry/cranberry sauce, juice, and I tried making homemade pretzel bites with cheese sauce, but I wrecked them with too much baking soda in the water; they tasted awful) and I asked them to bring some appetizers as well, and they TOTALLY brought tons of stuff (vegetable tray, hummus, chips and dip, cheese and meat tray, etc), which was delicious, but still I felt lame with my unedible pretzels. That night was so fun!  The kids had a blast.  ---- Anyway, I stole all these pictures from Natalia's Facebook, I was not up for taking pictures much.  The other silly thing we did though, is we forgot to bring coats or sweaters to Austin.  When we left--Sunday after church--it was a beautiful day here, and the kids were running around outside in shorts and t-shirts.  When we got to Austin it was about 15 degrees cooler.  We ended up having to go to Walmart and buy sweaters and jackets for all of us.  It was kind of good for Sebastian because I didn't have any coat for him anymore, just a couple hoodies.  Have we acclimatized to Houston?  Yes, we have.
 One of the days we were in Austin we went to Jumpstart, a trampoline place, with all the kids and Yani's kids and Natalia and Jonathan and Leandro.  It was great because everyone enjoyed it, even Jonathan and Leandro were playing dodgeball with Ana.  And then the little kids had their own little areas to play in.  Elena and Isabel were off and both had new friends they spent the afternoon with. 
 Most of my pictures looked like this.
 Can you spot Nicolas?
 Nicolas actually loved this little teacup ride (like the ones they have in front of supermarkets) the best.  Some lady payed for him to have a ride (I had no change with me) and she said it was totally worth it just to see his face.  It was adorable.

 Yeah, I couldn't get Isabel to hold still long enough to get a picture.  And notice there is no pictures of anybody else--they were gone!

It was really fun.  I highly recommend it. 

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