So after dying of heat stroke at the Heritage Village we headed to a park in SLC called Memory Gardens, or Memorial Gardens, (it had a bunch of war memorials) or I really don't remember, but I'm not going to look it up because Leo is telling me to come to bed. Anyway, it's close to downtown and beautiful! It was our favorite part of the day. We had a picnic there and then the kids played in the water.

Elena and her new friend.

Umm, yeah, Isabel eventually took off her diaper too. But she got in trouble for that.

Visiting one of the memorials.

My husband is so gorgeous. Ahhh, I really should head off to bed with him. Hee. Hee.

This fountain was built by a guy in memorial to his wife. Sweet.

My cute kids.

My cute kids, and one goofball.

After the park, we went to the Church Art Museum to the kids' I Am a Child of God exhibit and then we went and toured the Conference Center.

This was on the roof.

It's still weird to me to be on a roof and feel like your on a mountainside.

Ana was picking on Leo. (Actually, I think it started the other way around.)

We ended the day by driving by the State Capitol building.
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