I completely ripped this off of someone's blog--I was looking up rosemaling. Anyway, I read it and thought, "North Dakota." So I had to share it. If you don't get it, you've obviously never lived in North Dakota.
"The Sons of Norway asked me to teach a class. Who knows what went wrong, but nobody showed up. Meanwhile, some senior members happened by the lodge. They saw someone (me!) inside and called the lodge president and asked if anyone was supposed to be in the lodge. He said "No!" They decided I must be a burglar, so they locked the outer door (to trap the burglar inside until the sheriff came!). I had left the outer door open. When I heard it close, I thought it had blown shut. I tried to open it. It seemed jammed. So I pushed against it really hard and it flew open. A senior couple stood outside looking deathly pale. I asked them cheerfully, "Are you here for the class? But, all the women could reply was, "My heart! My heart!" as she clutched her chest.After they recovered from the shock, I was able to convinced them that I was there to teach a class. I couldn't help asking, "What are you so worried that a burglar would steal from the lodge?"The reply? "We have 300 dozen lefse in the chest freezer!" I didn't know there was a black market for stolen lefse! Uffda! "
And just because that started me thinking of Nodak, here's a picture of an ice fishing shelter on Devil's Lake. Why would anyone ice fish? I don't get. Look at that freezing terrain. Who would go out there--even with a shelter??!??! I do have a good impression of Devil's Lake in general because one time while driving from Minot to Grand Forks with my sister Amy and two of her kids we stopped there to get gas. And well, she told me to fill the car with ten dollars worth of gas and instead I filled it with ten gallons (I had never put gas in a car before.) And so then she had all these treats pulled out to give to her kids at the register and we didn't have enough money for the gas, let alone the treats and the guy just let us have all the treats and said not to worry about the gas. Nice, eh?
And this was titled, "A Global Warming Rally in North Dakota." Hee. Hee.

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