Where to begin? There's so much to catch up on. I think I'll start from the most recent and work backwards for a change. That will be fun.
Last Thursday we met up with our friends from Chicago. Well, let me retract, the P. family just moved to Utah from Chicago on Saturday. The Y. family were living for the last year in Italy, and are moving to the Denver area. The Y. were driving through from Las Vegas and wanted to hang out with us and the Ps., so we met up in SLC. Here's Rahysol, Lupe and me. Do you see how much I'm trying to slouch down? Really I tower over everyone. Rahysol is crazy--she's from Colombia, and this is a classic Rahysol moment: she was crying in the Joseph Smith movie at the Joseph Smith Memorial Bldg. so Alex was mocking her. So she said, "Well, I'm just a better person than you because I feel the Spirit!!!" You just have to hear it with her accent. I love it! Luckily her husband's job brings him to Utah frequently, so maybe we'll see them once in a while.
Awww, Leo actually agreed to take a picture with me. I think he was just happy seeing all his friends again. Me too.

This is
Jansol. Or
Hansol. Or Han Solo as Leo used to call him when he was his
YM's leader.
Hansol loved Elena. Elena loved him or ignored him depending on the day. Sometimes, she used to cry for
Hansol. More often
Hansol was trying to
cajole her into recognizing his existence. We told him it was good practice for when he started dating.

This is Alex. He's going to be one of our speakers at our Youth Conference this Saturday. he agreed with almost no persuasion from me. What a sweetie. He also loves my kids and holds them all the time.

Ana was splashing me with water. Goosey.

Ana and Isabel

Yoomee, Lupe, Hansol and Alex.

Elena and Isabel were both pretty impressed in here. Mostly with the sky though.

All of us all together. A little mini Arlington Heights 3rd Ward Reunion. Hee. Hee. Michael Y. was the president of the YM's there when Leo was the 1st counselor, and Hansol and Alex were some of the only boys that came on regular basis. Michael, Cameron (now another fellow BYU student) and I were the only gringos in our ward.

And this is just for fun.

Have I mentioned that Isabel is a nut? Really, that girl tries to make a joke out of everything, and if by chance she really is in trouble, she cries like she had her heart broken with big alligator tears running down her cheeks. I couldn't imagine two more opposite children than Elena and Isabel.

Tonight Leo and I went to a Real Salt Lake soccer game. They were playing the #1 team of the Eastern Conference and they whupped them 2-0. It was great!!! We had a blast. We actually met the P. family there (not planned, just a happy coincidence) and we sat by them instead of where we were supposed to sit. It was by where the La Barra Real sat.
Wowsers! There was a lot of singing in Spanish, a lot of drumming, and basically our section was the nosiest of the whole stadium. It was a blast! Our friends have only been living in Utah for one week, but Hansol and Ruben were already wearing
RSL jerseys. Sebastian slept through all of it while Alex held him. :) Basically, I think we're going to be die hard Real Salt Lake fans. Leo's already picked out the jersey he wants to get. He said he'll give Sebastian a couple of options for sports when he's older--soccer, and indoor soccer. Good times.
Total fun! Makes me miss Salt Lake already. Need to go back again someday soon.
I need to go watch a soccer game!!! I like the Leo is open to Sebastian having "choices". LOL. Looks like you had a great time with your friends, too!
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