Perhaps we were feeling adventurous, or else we're a little on the slow side, but we decided to hike through the Potholes together. There is a nifty little hike that follows the course of a stream to a waterfall. Or you can walk through the stream in the Potholes. (This isn't technically allowed as a Park Ranger informed us later.) Now the Potholes are named for the precipitous and sudden drops all along the creek bed. We had nine children and three adults. That include three two-year-olds and two babies not yet one.
As you can see, it was pretty terrifying.
We had to use a relay system of sending one adult ahead and then handing children up to that adult and then another adult moving forward and again carrying each child forward.
Ana was in heaven.
We all made it to the other side safely, with only bumps and bruises and minus one camera. (Kayli did have one scary fall with Talmage though--flip flops aren't great for scaling wet, mossy rocks.)
Yeah, we made it to the waterfall!!!
Ana was so excited to have a deep part to swim in.
Elena being Elena.
And the best part of all--playing in the dirt of course!
10 years ago
WOW! Talk about extreme sports! : D
I don't know if I would have been that brave. Kids or no kids. Sounds exhilarating though! Loved the pics. Glad you had an extra camera. Sorry one got broken or lost.
So Kam, if there were only 3 adults, which of us (Leo, you, Lindsay, or I) is still considered a child?
I have no comment for the danger you placed my neices and nephews in - but I loved reading your blog and seeing all the cute, cute pictures!! Love you tons!
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