So we made it to our first summer concert event at Millenium Park, after a brief time of being lost on the Pedway (Pedestrian walkway underground). We also were lost going back--I went into the wrong parking garage. Ruff. You'd think I'd be able to find my way around a little better by now. Oh, and by summer, I mean winter. Yeah, it was freezing cold!!! I only brought sweaters for all of us and luckily two blankets, but Elena wouldn't wear her sweater. She danced around till she turned blue and then would come sit on Ana's lap for a moment and warm up before getting up to dance again.
Ana and I absolutely loved it!!! I'm so glad we went. However I may have to rethink travel and parking because that parking garage was not the price I thought it was going to be. Ouch! Anyway, for your enjoyment, here is a video of the South Korean group, Dulsori, that we watched. SO good!!!! (I forgot my camera so I just borrowed these pictures and videos off the web.)
This one below is badly filmed, but it was the music I liked the best and shows the variety of what they performed. LOVE IT!
10 years ago
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