Well, it's been a busy week and we are all worn out. I wish I was Isabel sometimes.
So sweet! One thing nice about the hot humid weather is that Isabel's and Elena's hair curls. I love it!!! We went to a concert in our town on Monday and enjoyed John Williams' Star Wars and Jaws, etc. And the Beauty and the Beast score, and the Spongebob Squarepants theme song. They had different characters come out during different times and hand out candy to the kids etc. It was pretty spectacular. We saw Darth Vadar fighting Spiderman with swords, almost overpowering him till Buzz Lightyear came to Spiderman's rescue with a gun that blew bubbles. Wow. Also Mary Poppins and Spongebob and Beauty and the Beast during their respective songs. Then the kids were able to come up on the stage at the end to take a turn conducting the 1812 Overture. Fun. Fun. Too bad I forgot my camera.
Then on Friday, Ana went to a birthday party while the rest of us went to the library. Leo was taking the two younger ones to a craft day (to make a Father's Day present--hee. hee.) to give me a break. I had no sooner sat down then Leo came over because Elena had disappeared. Several librarians helped hunt her down. She was sitting nicely at a table playing one of her favorite games. (But not in a section Leo had ever taken her to before, so he was caught off guard.) They had asked me to watch the door, severally limiting my ability to look in her usual spots. Ruff. Leo said the librarians watched her and him like hawks the rest of their visit. :)
We had an unexpected dinner at our friends house when we went to pick up Ana and then another unexpected dinner at another friends' house when we dropped off Ana right after to have a sleepover. Which reminds me, we had also eaten at that friends' house the night before as well. And the next time any one comes to visit me, I'll make cerviche. Delicioso!!!
Also swimming lessons have been going on, and I make Ana do quite a bit of homework during the summer so that pretty much fills our entire day. She'll have more time to play once swimming lessons are over, but I don't think standing and talking to other girls about the boys playing soccer is a very good pastime for a nine year old, so I'm enforcing something more constructive for at least part of the day. Oh, and Leo took his GRE!!!! Yeah!!! That is over--on to the-applying-for-universities step.
We also went to a concert by Cimarón, a Colombian Joropa group, down at Millennium Park. Again, I forgot my camera. Anyway, it's kind of like Colombia's cowboy/folk music. Had it's own style of dance and everything. I've included a video for your education and enjoyment. Hopefully, you don't have to keep yelling at your kids while watching it that playing soccer with a "princess magic" ball is not an appropriate activity when you're blocking the view of the people behind you. Nor is twirling Isabel around super fast with a precarious hold. Nor running through the aisles willy-nilly. Nor whining about having to eat apple slices. Nor digging up moss and grass and dirt clumps and throwing it all over till the security guard comes and glares at you. Nor eating moss and dirt clumps. One can hope anyway.
So this video is trying to be professional but not quite there. A good example of the style of music and the cowboy culture of the plains of Colombia though. Enjoy.
10 years ago
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