Sunday 19 April 2009

Sunday, Crazy Sunday

My sweetheart, Isabel!
Crazy Elena. Yesterday she named the vacuum--Whitney or Britney, I wasn't quite sure. Then, as I was vacuuming she kept telling it to come. And she would chase after it and basically act like it was a pet dog or something. Then when I was finished and went to put it away, she asked, "It sleeping?" and so I said it did need to sleep. So she dragged the head of it (I have a cannister one) down to her room and put it to bed with a blanket and pillow on the floor. Ella esta loca! (Or we really need a dog.)
Ana showing off her new haircut.
Ugly bugs that live at our apartment. Nasty.


Lynn said...

Okay. I will ignore the bug. Eww!

Ana's hair is adorable!!! All your girls look so pretty in their sunday dresses. Polka dots. Love it.

The Haws Family said...

I think Ana's hair is so cute! Good decision. Does she like it?

Andrea said...

Please don't post bug pics in the future. Nasty.

Maria said...

I dealt with those bugs in Ohio.... it's horrible waking up and going into your baby's room and seeing those suckers right by your baby's head. Nice!