Wednesday 11 February 2009

Too funny not to post

Elena was watching music videos on youtube with me today, and while watching one she became the most upset that I've ever seen her. She was crying, and saying it was scary, and she ran to Daddy in the other room, but she kept trying to come back to sit by me, so she'd edge around the corner, as far as possible away from the computer and then see the screen and start to wail and run to Dad again. So here's the video for you all. Feel free to scare your children with it.

Now this video is the one that would give me nightmares. I'm just posting it because it reminded me of my Dad. He said that every year during all the college graduations that he's responsible for and has to attend, he's always tempted to play this song instead of Pomp and Circumstance. I double-dogged dared him to, but he hasn't yet.


Lindsay Ann Rasmussen said...

Haha. I played that song as I was driving out of high school with my friends! Haha. Dad should play it for graduation!

Lynn said...

LOL! I remember those episodes like it was yesterday. They didn't call me "Miss Piggy" for nothing!