I know this is a reoccurring theme in my blog: me spending money that I shouldn't. Well, I just have to say that last night, I was shopping online and although I was tempted, I didn't spend a penny!!! By the way, I blame the nasty gray overcast skies and freezing cold windy ugly winter for all of my impulsive purchases lately. Anyway, here's what I would have bought if I had spent my few pennies. Hee. Hee.
This shirt in red. Hey, it's on sale for $6.50. That's really the only reason I picked it out.This swimsuit from Lime Ricki. It's not on sale, otherwise, I'd be tempted. I really do need a new swimsuit. I have a maternity one and one I bought when I weighed significantly less than I do now.
This top from Down East Basics. Not on sale.
This dress from Sweet Innocence Dresses. Also not on sale. BUT I LOVE IT!!! I love red. And I love dresses. I really need to buy tops though, if I bought anything, which I'm NOT going to do.
These boots from Ann Taylor Loft. On sale for $59--down from $149.
And I can't decide between this dress or this dress from Layers Clothing. Both on sale for $32 from $65. Basically, I just love that site, because all the models are wearing hats. I think their dresses are just a tad too short because once a kid climbed on my lap, the skirt would be half way up my thighs. Err. I'm going to start a new LDS clothing shop, one specifically designed for MOMS!! I mean really, why not add three inches, or at least two.
I like dresses a lot. Did you notice?
Oh, I did also pick out bluejeans and shoes for my husband. And yesterday while I was at the mall letting Elena and Chloe (I was babysitting) play at the little playground, I already coveted enough kids clothes to last me all summer. So much cute stuff at Gymboree and Gap kids. Sigh. The weather really needs to warm up, so I get life. Sorry. I'll stop now.
10 years ago
Uuuugh! You are killing me here! I am in withdrawal for shopping. Mind you only for the stuff on sale....but STILL! I only have 8 more days to go of this no spend month of ours. Only 8!
I think I really need to do something about that....cause I DON'T want to go beserk and binge- spend, once March 1st rolls around.
ah ha! I think I have it....do what you are doing. Window shop on-line....that will work to fulfill my wants and wishes. : D
Thanks for the post! That was fun!
Fun to catch up on your blog - I love that you call Elena the bag lady - Lynnaea is my pack rat. One time I was missing the key to the downstairs scrapbook room and I had looked everywhere adn weeks later I was cleaning Lynnaea's closet of "stuff" and low and behold there was the key!!! Cute pictures and fun to read about eveyrone.
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