Thursday, 19 June 2008

Baby Names and Other Weighter Matters

Lately I've been getting so excited for our new baby. I bought a few baby things and just can't wait!!!! (I don't know why though, as Elena has been crying in her crib for the past 40 mins. Errr..... Why would I want another one?!?!?) Anyway, Leo and I had settled on baby names long ago, but recently, I've been having second thoughts. Here's the choices:

Isabel Grace
Sebastian Jack (Jack after my Dad)

Runners up are:

Nicolas Orlando (Orlando after Leo's Dad)
Simon Andres
Julian Matteo


Nicolas is going to be the next boy for sure and as you can see, we have a little trouble coming up with middle names for girls. Maybe Evelyn Louisa or Alice Mecedes. I don't know. Anyway, I'm not really having second thoughts about Sebastian, only about Isabel. I LOVE the name Isabel--but it's second on the list for popularity in the United States right now. Ughh. I just don't want her name in 10-15 yrs have an overused sterotype like Ashley or Britney. We were trying to pick names that would transition well between English and Spanish though too, and Alice and Evelyn really don't fit that. They do sound well with Nicolas and Sebastian though. Anyway, it's "supposed" to be Leo's turn to choose this time as I forced Elena on him, so I guess what he says will be a determining factor.

If you want, here's a great link to Name Voyager where you can see the popularity of names over the last century. Also this site, Nymbler, helps you find similiar names to ones you like. That's where I've been spending my time lately. Oops. I guess I should do something useful, like the pile of ironing waiting on the couch.

Oh, but here's an amusing story, (not to me though). When we named Elena, we picked it in part because of its easy transition between English and Spanish. However, for some unknown reason, all of my husband's family assumed we were telling them the Spanish version of her English name, Helen. So to this day, I still get cards and letters asking how Helenita is doing. I finally was almost rude to my mother-in-law telling her that it is most definitely NOT Helen, and she's been great about it since. The rest of the family I've kind of given up on. Sigh. Leo even calls her Helen sometimes just to bug me. It's so annoying.

As for the weighter matters, my little sis sent me this and I've been wanting to try uploading a video for a while, and thought this would be a good place to start.


The Haws Family said...

I told you it was awesome! I'm glad you continued to share it. I hope you find out your baby's gender within the next couple of weeks! Love you!

Lynn said...

Oh WOW! I am bawling my eyes out. This past two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster. That video just set the gates wide open again. : D Loved it. Thanks for sharing it!
Good luck with the baby names. I always thought picking a name for a little soul sent from up above was such a HUGE responsibility. And yes, FUN!