Wednesday 27 March 2019

The Celtic Festival and More

1.  First of all, mud is the bane of all mothers.
Here is Efraim looking appropriately abashed at his muddy feet.

Not so abashed anymore.

2.  I'm working in the Rec center nursery now, and one day I made Jubal a huge train track.  He played with it for almost an hour.  Good times.

3. Progress on Elena's Robe a la Francaise.  Here's the mockup.

3. One day I foolishly thought I could take a nap on the couch while the boys happily watched cartoons.  Instead they started climbing all over me and then after they literally almost gouged my eye out I kicked them onto the floor.

4. On Friday and Saturday, we went to the Celtic Festival.  Efraim was mesmerized by the potter.

Leo took the older kids to the Réalta concert Friday night and then we heard them some more on Saturday.

I love the Roundhouse and Machine Shop--they were built in the early 1900's and were railroad repair stations until the 1970's.  Now they've repaired them and turned them into event centers.  They are really cool buildings.

Medieval weaponry demonstrations--we actually saw almost all the same vendors/sca groups that we've seen at the Utah Renaissance Festival at Thanksgiving Point and the Ft. Bridger Mountain Man Rendezvous (including these guys). But it was still fun.

They had a ton of cool crafts for the kids.  That's where we spent most of our time.  But it was really, really neat that they had different musical workshops, so Sebas went to one that was learning tin whistle techniques--he's already been playing that in school and based off his grade level and some of the next. And Elena went to a fiddling workshop.  They loved them!  And then Efraim threw up.  So we took the younger kids home and then Leo went back with the older kids for a bit.  And then that night everyone was done but Elena and me, so we went to the Ímar concert.  It was fun but all the kids and I agreed that we liked JigJam that we saw a couple of weeks ago the best.

5. Art by Sebastian.  Such a boy.

6. Jubal and Efraim took off while I was in the bathroom one morning. At least Jubal was taking good care of his brother, putting his coat on and holding his hand the whole time.  Still, not cool.  Jubal took off later that afternoon again and I thought he was in the school playground since recess was going on, but I couldn't find him and came back out to the street and saw him back at our townhouse with three staff from the elementary school.  They were extremely kind though, so not so bad.  Sebas came home telling me about a four year old that had gotten lost....

7. All the artwork from the Celtic Festival.

8.  Efraim is cute, but I wish he'd get over his perpetual runny nose and stop climbing in our bed every night.

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