Monday 11 March 2019

Trying to Catch Up

This last week I feel I spent most of it trying to catch up from being gone to RootsTech.  Monday was a horrible day--I started it off by backing into to someone in our parking lot.  And then Elena had a physical therapy appt. which she made it very clear she was not happy to be at, and the whole day kind of went like that.  I made Sebastian's birthday cake and our egg beaters broke.  The icing was too stiff and then too runny.  But in the end, we celebrated Sebastian's birthday and he loved his cake and his present, so all was well.

2. Sebastian wanted to show his class him feeding his Venus Fly Trap.  So we made a video.

3. Jubal had crazy hair day on Wednesday at preschool.

4. All brown eyes!

5. On Friday we went to the JigJam concert (part of the concert series we bought season tickets to.)  It was awesome!! They had been a traditional Irish band for years (they were from Ireland) and then they found out about bluegrass and liked it so now they play a little of both.  It was tons of fun and the kids and I all loved it!

6.  Saturday, Elena had a swim meet, but the rest of us went to Harriet's baptism. Then we ran errands before coming home.  

7. We missed church.  Dang daylight savings.  Only we remembered about it and just slept in anyway--we were all so tired.  So we went to a later church's sacrament meetings and we invited the Young's over for dinner and to play games and have cake and have FHE.  It was so much fun!  We definitely need to do that again.

8. I forgot!! On Tuesday, Leo stayed home with Efraim and I took the rest of the kids to How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.  I love those movies.  All of us really enjoyed it.  But man there were kids SOBBING in the theater.  I love how they ended the series--a full on everything wrapped up ending, very satisfying.   Anyway, go see it.  (My favorite is still the first though.)

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